Когда жюри «Тhe Private Eye Writers of America» объявило Била Пронзини лауреатом «Lifetime Achievement Award» в 1987 году, ему было 44 года Возраст, когда большинство писателей еще только учатся или начинают публиковать свои произведения. Пронзини к этому времени уже сделал столько в этом жанра, и сделал так качественно, что по праву был признан корифеем жанра.
Один из признанных мастеров жанра. Причем, что интересно, во всех его направлениях. Из-под его пера выходят и триллеры в стиле "нуар", и исторические детективы, и преступления в "закрытых комнатах" (три романа и девятнадцать рассказов - его вклад в детективы о невозможном преступлении), и шпионские романы и наконец, идущая уже четвертую декаду, серия о частном сыщике "Nameless" (может, и не хард-бойлд, но уж точно не софт). Он также пишет в содружестве с другими писателями, такими как John Lutz, Barry Wahlberg, Colin Wilcox и Marcia Muller. После смерти Дэвиса Дрессера, пользуясь псевдонимом "Бретт Холлидей", создал несколько романов о сыщике Майке Шейне.
"The Mystery Writers of America" номинировало его не раз на получение "Edgar Awards", его работы переведены на множество языков, и его книги выходили более, чем в 30 странах. Он первый президент "Private Eye Writers of America" (ассоциация детективщиков, пишущих о частных сыщиках) и лауреат 3 её премий "Shamus Awards" и "Lifetime Achievement Award" в 1987 году. Он обладатель рекорда по сохранению интереса публики к его работам. В 1988 году роман писателя "Занесенный снегом" был удостоен Гран-при на ежегодном французском фестивале детективной литературы.
Пронзини родился 13 апреля 1943 г. в Petaluma, California. После окончания школы в течение нескольких лет учится в колледже, а затем работает клерком в газете, сантехником, помощником продавца,кладовщиком,спортивным репортером и даже охранником в федеральной службе по транспортировке заключенных ("Это звучит гораздо более интригующе, чем было на самом деле", скажет он в одном из интервью). Уже в возрасте четырнадцати лет он начал писать в "Petaluma newspaper", параллельно посещая колледж и публикуя короткие детективные рассказы в журналах.
Свою первую криминальную историю “You Don't Know What It's Like” Пронзини публикует в ноябре 1966 в журнале "Shell Scott Mystery Magazine" и практически сразу после того полностью переходит на писательскую работу как под своим именем, так и под различными псевдонимами. Его первый роман "The Stalker" был опубликован в 1971 году.
Писатель работает очень плодотворно, сделав своими временными резиденциями остров Майорка и Западную Германию.
В настоящее время он проживает в Сан-Франциско со своей третьей женой, также автором детективов, Marcia Muller, на которой женился в 1992.
- Библиография | +
- Короткие рассказы и повести
"You Don't Know What It's Like”(November 1966, Shell Scott Mystery Magazine)
"Night Freight" (May 1967, MSMM)
"The Running Man" (1967)
"The Prophecy" (1968)
"Words Do Not a Book Make" (May 1968 , AHMM )
"It's a Lousy World" AKA "Sometimes There is Justice" (August 1968, AHMM; Nameless)
"A Lot on His Mind" (October 1968, AHMM)
"Waiting, Waiting..." (November 1968, AHMM)
"Don't Spend It All in One Place" (December 1968, AHMM)
"How Now Purple Cow" (1969)
"Retirement" (April 1969, MSMM)
"The Snatch" (May 1969, MSMM; Nameless)
"A Cold Day in November" (November 1969, AHMM; Nameless)
"Dry Spell" (1970)
"The Crank" (January 1970, MSMM; Nameless)
"Cain's Mark" (January 1970, AHMM)
"Death of a Nobody" (February 1970, AHMM; Nameless)
"The Way the World Spins" (May 1970, AHMM; Nameless)
"A Dip In The Poole" (August 1970, AHMM)
"The Facsimile Shop" (September 1970, EQMM; with Jeffrey M. Wallmann)
"The $50,000 Bosom" (December 1970, Adventure; Carmody)
"The Jade Figurine" (1970, AHMM; as Jack Foxx; Dan Connell)
"Perfect Timing" (February 1971, AHMM)
"Muggers' Moon" (April 1971, AHMM)
"The Man Who Collected `The Shadow'" (June 1971, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction)
"The Imperfect Crime (July 1971, AHMM)
"A Case For Quiet" (August 1971, AHMM; with Jeffrey Wallmann, as William Jeffrey)
"The Pattern" (September 1971, AHMM)
"The Desperate Ones" (November 1971, AHMM; Carmody)
"The Killing" (December 1971, AHMM)
"The Assignment" (February 1972, AHMM; AKA "One of Those Cases"; Nameless)
"Decision" (February 1972, Zane Grey's Western; AKA "I'll See You to Your Horse")
"Blowback" (September 1972, Argosy; Nameless)
"Majorcan Assignment" (October 1972, MSMM; AKA Sin Island; Nameless)
"I Don't Understand It" (December 1972, AHMM)
"The Web" (1972, AHMM; AKA "Death Warrant"; Carmody)
"I Wish I May, I Wish I Might" (1973)
"Proof of Guilt" (June 1973, EQMM)
"The Scales of Justice" (July 1973, AHMM; Nameless)
"Buttermilk" (November 1973, Charlie Chan Mystery Magazine)
"Thirst" (November 1973, F&SF)
"Proof of Guilt" (December 1973, EQMM)
"Memento Mori" (April 1974, AHMM)
"Incident in Three Crossings" (May 1974, Charlie Chan Mystery Magazine; as Jack Foxx)
"Here Lies Another Blackmailer" (June 1974, AHMM)
"A Matter of Life and Death" (July 1974, MSMM; with Barry Malzburg)
"Unchained" (August 1974, AHMM)
"For Love" (April 1975, AHMM)
"Free-Lance Operation" (May 1975, AHMM; AKA "Blood Money"; Carmody)
"Private Eye Blues" (July 1975, AHMM; Nameless)
"Once a Thief" (August 1975, EQMM; with Jeffrey M. Wallmann)
"Inaugral" (1976; with Barry N Malzberg)
"Vanishing Act" (January 1976, AHMM; with Michael J. Kurland)
"Multiples" (1976, Tricks and Treats; with Barry N. Malzberg)
"Putting the Pieces Back" (April 1976, AHMM)
"The Arrowmont Prison Riddle" (October 1976, AHMM )
"Sweet Fever" (December 1976, EQMM)
"Smuggler's Island" (March 1977, AHMM)
"Under the Skin" (October 1977, EQMM)
"Deathlove" (1978)
"A Cold Foggy Day" (April 1978, EQMM)
"Strangers in the Fog" (June 1978, EQMM)
"The Same Old Grind" (September 1978, MSMM)
"Caught in the Act" (December 1978, EQMM)
"Bank Job" (August 1978, EQMM)
"His Name Was Legion" (January 1979, MSMM)
"Clocks" (1979; with Barry N Malzberg)
"Rebound" (April 1979, EQMM; with Barry N. Malzberg)
"Black Wind" (September 1979, EQMM)
"The Private Eye Who Collected Pulps" (February 1979, EQMM; AKA "The Pulp Connection"; Nameless)
"Thin Air" (May 1979, AHMM; also A Mystery by the Tale; Nameless)
"A Nice Easy Job" (November 1979, EQMM; Nameless)
"A Craving for Originality" (December 17, 1979, EQMM)
"Peekaboo" (1979, Nightmares)
✧ WHERE HAVE YOU GONE, SAM SPADE?Novelette in AHMM, Jan 30th 1980; ‘Case File’, Jan 1983; ‘Big Book of Locked-Room Mysteries’, Black Lizard, 2014; etc.
「Nameless Private Eye」
Impossible: Death by shooting in a locked warehouse. — КУДА ТЫ ИСЧЕЗ, СЭМ СПЕЙД?Новелла
пер.: Форум КЛД; 22.04.2018
Невозможность: Смерть от выстрела на запертом складе.
"Dead Man's Slough" (May 21, 1980, AHMM; Nameless)
"Two Weeks Every Summer" (June 2, 1980, EQMM)
"The Dispatching of George Ferris" (July 23, 1980, EQMM)
"A Killing in Xanadu" (1980, Waves Press limited-edition chapbook; Nameless)
"Connoisseur" (1980, Who Done It?)
"And Then We Went to Venus" (1980, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction)
"Opening A Vein" (1980; with Barry N Malzberg)
"The Terrarium Principle" (April 22, 1981, EQMM)
"The Hanging Man" (August 12, 1981, EQMM)
"House Call" (August 19, 1981; with Jeffrey M. Wallmann)
"Tiger, Tiger" (September 1981, Mystery; with John Lutz)
"Who's Calling?" (1982, Shosetsu Shincho; also Casefile, 1983; Nameless)
"Booktaker" (1982, Sosetsu Shincho; also Casefile, 1983; Nameless)
"The Ghosts of Ragged-Ass Gulch" (1982, Sosetsu Shincho; Nameless)
"Quicksilver (1982, Sosetsu Shincho; Nameless)
"Markers" (1982, Roundup, Western Writers of America)
"Cat's Paw" (1983; also 1996, Waves Press, also Spadework; Nameless)
"Skeleton, Rattle Your Mouldy Leg" (1984, The Eyes Have It; Nameless)
"Toy" (1985, Shadows 8)
"Sanctuary" (1985, Graveyard Plots; also Suspicious Characters; also 1996, Spadework; AKA "Twenty Miles To Paradise"; Nameless)
"Boobytrap" (1986)
"Pumpkin" (1986)
"Ace in the Hole (1986, Mean Streets; also 1996, Spadework; Nameless)
"The Storm Tunnel" (October 1987, Whispers)
"Deathwatch" (1987, Mystery Scene Reader 1)
"Stacked Deck" (1987, The New Black Mask No.8)
"Incident in a Neighbourhood Tavern" (1988, An Eye for Justice; Nameless)
"Something Wrong (1988, Small Felonies; also 1996, Spadework; Nameless)
"Cache and Carry" (1988, Small Felonies; with Marcia Muller; Nameless)
"Little Lamb" (1988, Felonius Assaults)
"No Room at the Inn" (1988, Crime at Christmas; John Quincannon)
"Wooden Indian" (March 1989, AHMM)
"Funeral Day" (1989, New Crimes)
"Here Comes Santa Claus" (1989, Mistletoe Mysteries; also 1996, Spadework; Nameless)
"Stakeout" (1990, Justice for Hire; also 1996, Spadework; Nameless)
"I Didn't Do It" (1990, New Crimes 2)
"The Gambler" (1990, New Frontiers, Volume I)
"Fyfe and the Drummers" (1990, New Frontiers, Vol. III)
"I Didn't Do It" (1990, New Crimes 2)
"La Bellezza delle Belleze" (1991, Invitation to Murder; Nameless)
"Bedeviled" (1991, Cat Crimes; also 1996, Spadework; Nameless)
"Out Behind the Shed" (1991, Final Shadows)
"Souls Burning" (1991, Dark Crimes; also New Crimes 3; also 1996, Spadework; Nameless)
"Liar's Dice" (November 1992, EQMM)
"Shade Work" (November 1993, EQMM)
"Kinsmen" (Criminal Intent, 1993; Nameless)
"Burgade's Crossing" (1993, Louis L'Amour Western Magazine; John Quincannon)
"Lady One-Eye" (September 1994, Louis L'Amour Western Magazine; John Quincannon)
"Coney Game" (November 1994, Louis L'Amour Western Magazine; John Quincannon)
"The Cloud Cracker" (July 1994, Louis L'Amour Western Magazine; John Quincannon)
"Out of the Depths" (September 1994, EQMM)
"Cat Bay On Cat Cay" (1995)
"One Night at Delores Park" (April 1995, EQMM; also 1996, Spadework; Nameless)
"Home is the Place Where" (November 1995, EQMM; also 1996, Spadework; Nameless)
"The Desert Limited" (November 1995, Louis L'Amour Western Magazine; John Quincannon)
"Bomb Scare" (December 1995, EQMM; also 1996, Spadework; Nameless)
"Angel of Mercy" (1996).
"Worried Mother Job" (1996, Spadework; 1998, EQMM; Nameless)
"Zero Tolerance" (1996, Spadework; also January 1998, EQMM; Nameless)
"Not A Lick Of Sense" (1997)
"The Horseshoe Nail" (February 1997, EQMM; John Quincannon)
"Medium Rare" (September/October 1998, EQMM; John Quincannon)
"The Highbinders" (1998, Carpenter & Quincannon Professional Detective Services; also June 1999, EQMM; John Quincannon)
"Wishful Thinking" (1999, Irreconcilable Differences)
"I Think I Will Not Hang Myself Today" (May 2000, EQMM)
"The Big Bite" (Winter 1999, Shots; also 2000, The Shamus Game; Nameless)
"Wrong Place, Wrong Time" (2002, Most Wanted; Nameless)
""Free Durt" (February 2005, EQMM)
"The World by the Tail" (March/April 2005, EQMM)
“Devil’s Brew” (December 2006, EQMM; John Quincannon)
"The Carville Ghost" (September/October 2007, EQMM; John Quincannon)
"Pickpocket" (September/October 2007, EQMM; by Marcia Muller, featuring Sabina Carpenter)
"The Last Laugh" (September/October 2010, EQMM)
Произведения без даты выпуска
"All the Long Years"
"Cave of Ice" (with Marcia Muller)
"The Clincher"
"Dear Poisoner"
"Fergus O'Hara, Detective"
"A Little Larceny"
"McIntosh's Chute"
"Mrs. Rakubian"
"On Guard!" (with Michael J. Kurland)
"One of Those Days"
"Righteous Guns"
"Shell Game" (with Jeffrey M. Wallmann)
The Stalker (1971)
The Snatch (1971; Nameless)
The Jade Figurine (1972; as Jack Foxx; Dan Connell)
Panic (1972)
The Vanished (1973; Nameless)
Undercurrent (1973; Nameless)
A Run in Diamonds (1973; as Alex Saxon; Carmody)
Snowbound (1974)...Buy this book
Dead Run (1975; as Jack Foxx; Dan Connell)
Freebooty (1975; as Jack Foxx)
Games (1976) ...Buy this book
The Running of Beasts (1976; with Barry N. Malzberg)
Acts of Mercy (1977; with Barry N. Malzberg)
Blowback (1977; Nameless)
Wildfire (1978; as Jack Foxx)
Twospot (1978, co-written with Colin Wilcox; Nameless)
Nightscreams (1979; with Barry N. Malzberg)
Labyrinth (1980; Nameless)
Prose Bowl (1980)
Hoodwink ⃫ Заблуждение*Первая публикация на языке оригинала: St. Martin’s (US), май 1981 г.
Расследователь: Безымянный #7
пер.: Форум "Клуб любителей детектива", октябрь 2018 г.
Masques (1981)
The Cambodia File (1981;with Jack Anderson)
Duel at Gold Buttes (1981; writing as William Jeffrey with Jeffrey Wallmann)Scattershot ⃫ Обстрел*Первая публикация на языке оригинала: St. Martin’s (US), май 1982 г.
Расследователь: Безымянный #8
Невозможность: 1) Смерть от ножевого ранения в запертой машине под постоянным наблюдением; 2) Смерть от стрельбы в коттедже, где все выходы были либо заперты, либо находились под постоянным наблюдением; 3) Кража кольца из запертой комнаты, находящейся под постоянной охраной, причем после кражи, все признаки показывали, что окно было разбито изнутри.
пер.: Форум "Клуб любителей детектива", март 2018 г.
Dragonfire (1982; Nameless)
Bindlestiff (1983; Nameless)
Border Fever (1983) (writing as William Jeffrey with Jeffrey Wallmann)
Day of the Moon (1983; as William Jeffrey with Jeff Walman)
The Gallows Land (1983)
Starvation Camp (1984; a mountie gets his man)
The Eye (1984, with John Lutz)
Quicksilver (1984; Nameless)
Nightshades (1984; Nameless)
Doubles (1984, co-written with Marcia Muller; Nameless)
Quincannon (1985; John Quincannon)
San Francisco (1985)
Bones (1985; Nameless)
Deadfall (1986; Nameless)
Beyond The Grave (1986; with Marcia Muller; John Quincannon)
The Lighthouse (1986; with Marcia Muller)
The Last Days Of Horse-Shy Halloran (1987)
Shackles (1988; Nameless)
The Hangings (1989)
Firewind (1989)
The Texans (1989)
Jackpot (1990; Nameless)
Breakdown (1991; Nameless)
The Montanans (1991)
Quarry (1992; Nameless)
Epitaths (1992; Nameless)
Carmody's Run (1992; Carmody)
Demons (1993; Nameless)
Day Of The Moon (1993)
With An Extreme Burning (1994)
Hardcase (1995; Nameless)
Blue Lonesome (1996)
Sentinels (1996; Nameless)
A Wasteland of Strangers (1997)
Illusions (1997; Nameless)
Boobytrap (1998; Nameless)
Nothing But the Night (1999)
The Dying Time (1999; writing as Alex Saxon)
Crazybone (2000; Nameless)
In an Evil Time (2001)
All the Long Years (2001)
Bleeders (2002; Nameless)
Step to the Graveyard Easy (2002)
Charlie Chan in the Pawns of Death (2002; with Jeffrey Wallman as Robert Hart Davis; Charlie Chan)
Charlie Chan in The Temple of the Golden Horde (2002; as Robert Hart Davis; Charlie Chan)
Spook (2003; Nameless)
The Alias Man (2004)
Nightcrawlers (2005; Nameless)
Mourners (2006; Nameless)
The Crimes of Jordan Wise (2006)
Savages (2007; Nameless)
Fever (2008; Nameless)
The Other Side of Silence (2008; Rick Fallon)
Schemers (2009; Nameless)
Betrayers (2010; Nameless)
The Hidden (2010)
A Killing in Xanadu (1980)
Sosetsu Shincho (1982-a Japanese collection of four novellas; Nameless)
Casefile (1983; Nameless)
Small Felonies (1988, includes 3 Nameless stories)
Graveyard Plots (1988, includes 3 Nameless Stories)
The Best Western Stories of Bill Pronzini (1990)
Stacked Deck (1991)
Spadework (1996; Nameless)
Carpenter & Quincannon, Professional Detective Services (1998; John Quincannon)
Oddments: A Short Story Collection (2000)
Scenarios: A ""Nameless Detective"" Casebook (2003; Nameless)
Problems Solved (2003; with Barry N Malzberg)
Burgade's Crossing (2003; John Quincannon)
On Account of Darkness: And Other SF Stories (2004; with Barry N Malzberg)
Quincannon's Game (2005; John Quincannon)
Coyote and Quarter-Moon: Western Stories (2006)
Gun in Cheek: A Study of Alternative Crime Fiction (1982)
1001 Midnights (1986; with Marcia Muller)
Son of Gun in Cheek: An Affectionate Guide to More of the "Worst" in Mystery Fiction (1987)
Six Gun in Cheek: An Affectionate Guide to the "Worst" in Western Fiction (1997)
Tricks and Treats (1976, with Joe Gores)
Midnight Specials (1977)
Mystery Writers' Choice (1977; with Joe Gores)
Dark Sins, Dark Dreams: Crime in Science Fiction (1978; with Barry N Malzberg)
The End of Summer: Science Fiction of the Fifties (1979; with Barry N Malzberg)
Shared Tomorrows (1979; Barry N Malzberg)
Night Screams (1979; with Barry N Malzberg)
Werewolf! (1979)
Bug-Eyed Monsters (1980; with Barry N Malzberg)
The Edgar Winners (1980)
Voodoo! (1980)
Mummy!: A Chrestomathy of Crypt-ology (1980)
The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural (1981; with Martin H Greenberg & Barry N Malzberg)
Creature!: A Chrestomathy of Monstery (1981)
Great Tales of Mystery and Suspense (1981; with Martin H Greenberg & Barry N Malzberg)
The Arbor House Necropolis (1981)
The Giant Book of Horror Stories (1981; with Martin H Greenberg & Barry N Malzberg)
The Arbor House Treasury of Mystery and Suspense (1982; with Martin H Greenberg)
Specter! (1982)
Arbor House Treasury of Detective and Mystery Stories from the Great Pulps (1983)
The Web She Weaves (1983; with Marcia Muller)
The Mystery Hall of Fame: An Anthology of Classic Mystery and Suspense Stories Selected by Mystery Writers of America (1984)
The Western Hall of Fame: An Anthology of Classic Western Stories Selected by the Western Writers of America (1984; with Martin H Greenberg)
Child's Ploy (1984; with Marcia Muller)
The Outlaws (1984)
The Reel West (1984; with Martin H Greenberg)
Witches' Brew: Horror and Supernatural Stories by Women (1984; with Marcia Muller)
13 Short Mystery Novels (1985; with Martin H Greenberg)
Chapter and Hearse (1985; with Marcia Muller)
The Cowboys (1985; with Martin H Greenberg)
The Ethnic Detectives: Masterpieces of Mystery Fiction (1985; with Martin H Greenberg)
The Arbor House Treasury of Great Western Stories (1985)
Dark Lessons: Crime And Detection On Campus (1985; with Marcia Muller)
She Won the West (1985; Marcia Muller)
The Warriors (1985; with Martin H Greenberg)
Deadly Arts (1985; with Marcia Muller)
The Second Reel West (1985; with Martin H Greenberg)
Murder in the First Reel (1985; Martin H Greenberg & Charles G Waugh)
Wickedest Show on Earth (1985; with Marcia Muller)
Women Sleuths (1985; with Martin H Greenberg)
Mystery in the Mainstream: An Anthology of Literary Crimes (1986; Martin H Greenberg & Barry N Malzberg)
Tales of the Dead (1986)
Great Modern Police Stories (1986)
Railroaders (1986; with Martin H Greenberg)
Steamboaters (1986; with Martin H Greenberg)
The Third Reel West (1986; with Martin H Greenberg)
The Cattlemen (1986; with Martin H Greenberg)
Tales of Mystery (1986)
101 Mystery Stories (1986)
Wild Westerns (1986)
Prime Suspects (1987; with Martin H Greenberg)
Manhattan Mysteries (1987; with Martin H Greenberg & Carol-Lynn Waugh)
Horse Soldiers (1987; with Martin H Greenberg)
Uncollected Crimes (1987; with Martin H Greenberg)
Suspicious Characters (1987; with Martin H Greenberg)
The Gunfighters (1987; with Martin H Greenberg)
13 Short Detective Novels (1987; with Martin H Greenberg)
Criminal Elements (1988; with Martin H Greenberg)
Cloak and Dagger: A Treasury of 35 Great Espionage Stories (1988; with Martin H Greenberg)
The Texans (1988; with Martin H Greenberg)
Best of the West: Stories That Inspired Classic Western Films (1988; with Martin H Greenberg)
Homicidal Acts (1988; with Martin H Greenberg)
Felonious Assaults (1989; with Martin H Greenberg)
Kill or Cure: Suspense Stories About the World of Medicine (1989; with Marcia Muller)
More Wild Westerns (1989)
Californians (1989; with Martin H Greenberg)
The Arizonans (1989)
Deadly Doings (1989)
Best of the West 3: More Stories That Inspired Classic Western Films (1990)
The Northerners (1990; with Martin H Greenberg)
The Best of the West II: The Stories That Inspired Classic Western Films (1990)
The Northwesterners (1990; with Martin H Greenberg)
Christmas Out West (1990; with Martin H Greenberg)
Crime and Crime Again: Unexpected Mystery Stories by the World's Great Writers (1990; with Martin H Greenberg & Barry N Malzberg)
Classic Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (1991)
A Treasury of Civil War Stories (1991; with Martin H Greenberg)
A Treasury of World War II Stories (1991)
Combat!: Great Tales of World War II (1992; with Martin H Greenberg)
Night Freight (1992)
Great Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (1994; with Martin H Greenberg & Barry N Malzberg)
Great Tales of the West (1994; with Martin H Greenberg)
Hard-boiled (1994; with Jack Adrian)
A Century of Mystery: 1980-1989 (1997; with Marcia Muller)
Giant Book of Private Eye Stories (1997; with Martin H Greenberg)
Giant Book of Short Crime Stories (1997; with Martin H Greenberg)
Giant Book of War Stories (1997; with Martin H Greenberg)
Detective Duos (1997; with Marcia Muller)
Duo (1998; with Marcia Muller)
Heading West (1999)
Pure Pulp (1999; with Ed Gorman)
Oddments (2000)
More Oddments (2001)