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Премия "Дерринджер"

Куратор темы: Stark

Премия "Дерринджер"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 22 ноя 2009, 23:15

Премия "Дерринджер" (Derringer Award) - ежегодная награда Общества авторов детективных рассказов (Short Mystery Fiction Society).

Присуждается с 1997 года за достижения в области детективных рассказов и повестей. Названа по марке соответствующего огнестрельного оружия.

Сайт организации:
Синим цветом выделены победители.
Жирным шрифтом выделены рассказы и повести, переведенные на русский язык.

За 1997

Barbara White-Rayczek "Авантюристы" (The Adventurers)
Kris Neri "Правосудие Лос-Анджелеса" (L.A. Justice) (tie)

Короткий рассказ:
Kate Grilley (Guavaberry Christmas)

Очень короткий рассказ:
Michael Mallory "Любопытство убивает" (Curiosity Kills)

Первый рассказ:
Eileen Brosnan "Задняя лестница" (Back Stairs)

Margo Power "Образ заговора" (Image of Conspiracy)


"Д" - Крис Нери "Capital justice" (1998, Blue Murder 1)
"The Murder of Ernest Trapnell" by Erik Arneson (Fall 1998, Mary Higgins Clark Mystery Magazine)
"A Loss of Income" by Seymour Shubin (Spring 1998, Murderous Intent)
"Drop Dead Zone" by M.E. Troy (April 1998, Mystery Buff Magazine)
"Just Like in the Movies" by Kate Thornton (Blue Murder)
"To the Farm" by Dina Leacock (writing as Dianne Arrelle) (1998, Blue Murder 2)
"Gator Bayou" by Joyce Holland (Spring 1998, Fogfire Magazine, Vol. 1, Issue 2)
"The Deadly Diamonds" by Robert Iles (1998, Blue Murder 5)
"Two Tickets to Paradise" by Barbara White-Rayczek (Death Knell III)

Очень короткий рассказ:
"Д" - Pretty Kitty, by Joyce Holland
"Daddy's Pet" by Fay Thompson (January 14, 1898, TheCase.com)
"Rough Times" by Paul Harrison (March 6, 1998, TheCase.com)
"The Used Car" by Sheryl Snell-Massie (May 1, 1998, TheCase.com)
"Pocket Picked" by Jesse Knight (March 18, 1998, TheCase.com)
"Key to Success" by Richard Ciciarelli (November 4, 1998, TheCase.com )
"The Christmas Guest" by Dorothy Francis (December 16, 1998 )
"The Other Woman" by Kate Thornton (October 21, 1998, TheCase.com )
"Checkmate!" by Dale B. Hall (October 2, 1998, TheCase.com )
"Exchange of Information" by Kimberly Brown (February 6, 1998 )
"Anything for the Chief" by Linda K. Wright (as, Geri Myerson) (October 14, 1998, TheCase.com )

"Золотой Дерринджер":
Эдвард Д. Хоч

DERRINGER READER AWARD For Supporting Short Mystery Fiction:
Kate Derie


Короткий рассказ:
"Д" - When in Rome, by Dorothy Francis
"Д" - "Just a Man on the Sidewalk, by Carol Kilgore)
"Absent-Minded" (by L. C. Mohr)
Blind Justice, by Lynda Douglas
"The Armored Car" (by Tim Myers)

"Д" - The Way to a Man's Heart, by Elizabeth Dearl
"The Bread of Affliction" (by Michael Kahn)
Крис Хантингтон "Не будите спящую собаку" - "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie" (by Chris Huntington)
Энтони Манн «Заказное убийство» - Taking Care of Frank, by Antony Mann
One More Kill, by Matt Hughes

"Д" - Дуг Эллин (Saint Bobby)
Annie's Dream, by Bentley Dadmun
"Death in the Dales" (by C. M. Chan)

Дебютный рассказ:
"Д" - Рэй Уондерли "Death in Full Bloom" (by Ray Wonderly)

"Золотой Дерринджер":
Генри Слезар

Robert Foster
Jiro Kimura


"Д" - Erie's Last Day, by Steve Hockensmith
The Disappearance of Miss Sarah Oswald, by Jennifer Ashley
"Amish Butter" (by Jacqueline Fiedler)
The Dark Tower, by Gwen Moffat
"Tom Wasp and Anybody's Child" (by Amy Myers)

"Д" - "Lilacs and Lace" (by Lynda Douglas)
Дуг Эллин "The Death Row Pet Show"
"Attitude Thing" (by William J. Carroll, Jr.)
Blood Paths, by Clark Howard
Питер Лавси "The Sedgemoor Strangler"

Очень короткий рассказ:
"Д" - "Polls Don't Lie" (by Earl McGill)
"Д" - The New Lawyer, by Mike Wiecek
Accident, by Guy Belleranti
"Sunken Dreams" (by Tim Myers)
Lucky Man, by Ali Seay

"Д" - Генри Слезар (The Cabin Killer)
"Happy Acres Homicide" (by Richard Ciciarelli)
"Killing the Old Survivors" (by Gary Sensening)

"Золотой Дерринджер":
Джон Лутц

Babs Lakey


"Д" - All The Fine Actors, by Earl Staggs
The Last Letter, by Mike Wiecek
"Smoky Didn't Send Me" (by Charles Cutter)
Tunnel of Malice, by Margaret Dicanio)
"Cuts Like A Knife" (by Michael Bracken)

Короткий рассказ:
"Д" - In the Heat of the Moment, by Nick Andreychuk
"Greenhouse Pest" (by Tim Myers)
"A Matter of Interest" (by Stephen Rogers)
Генри Слезар (Lucrezia and The Thief)

"Д" - Early Morning Rain, by Jean McCord
Джеффри Дивер "Lesser-Included Offense"
"The Mondo Whammy" (by David Handler)
Avenging Miriam, by Peter Sellers
Harry's Lament, by Bentley Dadmun

Cathleen Jordan (posthumous)
For 20 benchmark years at the helm of Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine.


"Д" - "Closure" (by Dave White)
Билл Крайдер (Top of the World)
Билл Пронзини (Just Looking)
Рэймонд Стейбер ‘Великий Гэтсби по-мексикански’ - Mexican Gatsby, by Raymond Steiber
"More Than a Scam" (by Dave Zeltserman)

Короткий рассказ:
"Д" - "A Cut Above" (by Del Tinsley)
Ник Андрейчук (Sending Out an S.O.S.)
Стивен Роджерс "Jumping the Fence"
What A Day, by Seymour Shubin
"Shark Infested Pudding" (by John Weagly)

"Д" - Дуг Эллин (The Murder Ballads)
Medicine Water, by David Edgerly Gates
Кларк Говард (To Live and Die in Midland, Texas)
Painter of the Seven-Eyed Beast, by Catherine Mambretti
Henry's Power, by Bob Stevens


Очень короткий рассказ:
"Д" - Майкл Брэкен (All My Yesterdays)
Ник Андрейчук "Patience"
Motive For Murder, by Guy Belleranti
"How to Become a Rodeo Queen" (by Michelle Mach)
"At Thirty Paces" (by Graydon Miller)

Короткий рассказ (501 to 2000 Words):
"Д" - "Nailbiter" (by Rob Lopresti)
"Coyotes Find" (by Gay T. Kinman)
"Waiter, There's a Clue in My Soup" (by Camille LaGuire)
Children Seen and Heard, by K. G. McAbee
Стивен Д. Роджерс "Packy Run"
Эрл Стэггс (Silky's Getaway)

Рассказ (2001 to 6000 Words):
"Д" - "Notions of the Real World" (by Dorothy Rellas)
"A Mother Scorned" (by Michele R. Bardsley)
Big Winner, by Terry Black
Sara Morningsky, by Lee Driver
Эдди Мюллер "Wanda Wilcox is Trapped"

Повесть (6001 to 15000 Words):
"Д" - Кларк Говард (The Mask of Peter)
Лорен Д. Эстлеман "Bombshell"
"The Windsor Ballet" (by Deborah Morgan)
Роберт Дж. Рандизи (Henry and the Idiots)
Amazing Grace, by Harriet Rzetelny


Очень короткий рассказ:
«Д» - "The Big Guys" by JA Konrath (2004, Small Bites; edited by Garrett Peck and Keith Gouveia)
"Housesitter" (by J. K. Cummins) (Summer 2004, Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine)
Ник Андрейчик "Sand Scam" (Fall 2004, Crimestalker Casebook)
"Theda" by Beverly Brackett (November 2004, Flash Fantastic)
"Widow’s Peak" by S.A. Daynard (2004, Riptide: Crime Stories by New England Writers; edited by Skye Alexander, Kate Flora, Susan Oleksiw, Level Best Books)

Короткий рассказ:
«Д» – Майк Уайцек (The Test) (November 20, 2004, Woman’s World)
"Experience Required" by Michael Giorgio (March 2004, Lunatic Chameleon)
"Sweet Smell of Success" by Beverle Graves Myers (2004, Who Died in Here?; edited by Pat Dennis, Penury Press)
"The Big Store" by Stephen D. Rogers (Spring 2004, Hardluck Stories)
"Up in Smoke" by Jan Christensen (January/February/March 2004, Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine)

«Д» - "Viscery" by Sandy Balzo (December 2004, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)
"Brethren of The Sea" by Joan Druett (November 2004, Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine)
"Freddie Swings In" by David Terrenoire (2004, Fedora III; edited by Michael Bracken, Betancourt & Company)
"Hilly Palmer’s Last Case" by Duane Swierczynski (September/October 2004, Plots With Guns)
"Phillie's Last Dance" by Ray Banks (March 2004, Shots Magazine)

«Д» – Дуг Эллин (Secondhand Heart) (January/February 2004, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine)
"God's Dice" by David White (Spring 2004, Thrilling Detective Web Site; Jackson Donne)
Теренс Фэгерти "A Sunday in Ordinary Time" (August 2004, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine; Owen Keane)
"The Franklin Fiasco" by Beverle Graves Myers (September 2004, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine)
"The Girl in Apartment 2A" by G. Miki Hayden (2004, Dime; edited by Babs Lakey, Quiet Storm)


Очень короткий рассказ:
«Д» - "Secondhand Shoe" (by Patricia Harrington) (2005, A Flasher’s Dozen)
"The Last Journey" by Mary Schenten (July 2005, Flashshot)
"Word Power" by Michelle Mach (March 2005, Flashshot)
"Hell Hath No Fury" by BJ Bourg (March 2005, Mysterical-E)
"No Athiests in Foxholes" by Stephen D. Rogers (May 2005, Kwickee)

Короткий рассказ:
«Д» - Стивен Д. Роджерс "Zipped" (2005, Windchill: Crime Stories by New England Writers, Level Best Books)
"Twilight of the Fireflies" by John Weagly (December 2005, Big Muddy: Journal of the Mississippi River Valley)
"Roses at His Feet" by Todd Robinson (writing as "Dana Frittersmash"; December 2005, Thuglit)
"The Day the Bad Men Came" by Andy Henion (January 2005, Thieves Jargon)
"Hangman's Tree" by Deanne Boast (December 2005, Crime and Suspense)

«Д» - "One Step Closer" by Iain Rowan for (2005, Hardluck Stories)
"Best Wishes" by JR Chabot (September 2005, Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine)
"The Spare" by Woody Hanstein (October 2005, Level Best Books)
"Johnny Cash is Dead" by Jordan Harper (October 2005, Thuglit)
"A Death in Ueno" by Mike Wiecek (March 2005, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)

«Д» - "The Safest Place on Earth" by Mark Best (Spring 2005, Thrilling Detective Web Site)
"Monday, Sweet Monday" by John F. Dobbyn (June 2005, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
"Good Shepherd" by Frank Zafiro (May 2005, Ascent Aspirations Magazine)
"Fish" by Stephen Johnston (Fall 2005, Web Mystery Magazine)
Стивен Сэйлор "The Cherries of Lucullus" (May 2005 Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)


Очень короткий рассказ:
«Д» - "Vigilante" by Barry Ergang (Summer 2006, Mysterical-E)
"Matched Set" by Jan Christensen (Winter 2006, Long Story Short)
"Snowflake Therapy" by Michelle Mach (June 2006, Thereby Hangs a Tale)
"Flight School" by Jill Maser (August 28, 2006, Flashshots)
"Home Entertainment" by Sandra Seamans (July/August 2006, A Cruel World)

Короткий рассказ:
«Д» - "Elena Speaks of the City, Under Siege" by Steven Torres (September/October 2006, Crimespree Magazine)
«Д» - "Four For Dinner" by John M. Floyd (Seven by Seven)
"Even Steven" by Gail Farrelly (Winter 2006,Mouth Full of Bullets)
"Interview" by Justin Gustainis (October 2006, Cape Fear Crime Festival)
"The Worst Door" by Frank Zafiro (January 2006, Dispatch)

«Д» - Билл Крайдер "Коловращение" - Билл Крайдер "Cranked" (Damn Near Dead: An Anthology of Geezer Noir)
"Eden's Bodyguard" by David Bareford (September 2006, Thuglit)
"Shadow People" by Rex Burns (June 2006,Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
"Uncle Blinky's Corner of the World" by Robert S. Levinson (March/April 2006, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
"Shanks on the Prowl" by Robert Lopresti (May 2006, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)

«Д» - "Strictly Business" by Julie Hyzy (These Guns for Hire)
"Signature in Blood" by Annette Dashofy (Winter 2006, Mysterical-E)
"Daphne MacAndrews and the Smack-Head Junkies" by Stuart MacBride (Damn Near Dead: An Anthology of Geezer Noir)
"See Also Murder" by Larry Sweazy (December 11, 2006, Amazon Shorts)
"The Valley of Angustias" by Steven Torres (October 2006, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine)


Рассказ (до 1000 слов):
«Д»- "My Hero" by Patricia Abbott (2007, D.Z. Allen’s Muzzle Flash)
"Saved" by Keri Clark (Fall 2007,Mysterical-E)
"Dreaming of a Spite Christmas" by B.V. Lawson (Winter 2007, Mouth Full of Bullets, )
"A Woman Scorned" by Jillian Berg (Autumn 2007, Mouth Full of Bullets)
"Your New Fan" by Keri Clark (Winter 2007, Mouth Full of Bullets)

Рассказ (от 1001 до 4000 слов):
«Д» - "In the Shadows of Wrigley Field" by John Weagly (November 2007, The Back Alley)
"Brimstone P.I." by Beverle Graves Myers (May 2007, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
"We All Come from Splattertown" by Hugh Lessig (July 2007, ThugLit)
"Joyride" by Rick Noetzel (December 2007, Shred of Evidence)
"Handful of Stars" by Jack Hardway (Autumn 2007, Mouth Full of Bullets)
"The Promise" by Camille LaGuire (March-April 2007, Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine)

Рассказ (от 4001 до 8000 слов):
«Д» - "The Gospel According to Gordon Black" by Richard Helms (Fall 2007, The Thrilling Detective Web Site)
"A Trader’s Lot" by Twist Phalen (from Wall Street Noir)
"Devil’s Lake" by John Schroeder (January/February 2007, Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine)
"A Private Hanging" by Herschel Cozine (Summer 2007, Mysterical-E)
"Mr. McGregor’s Garden" by Kate Flora (Still Waters)
"Growing Up Is for Losers" by Rosemary Harris (Still Waters)

Повесть (от 8001 до 17500 слов):
«Д» - "Paper Walls/Glass Houses" by Eric Shane (June 2007, The Back Alley)
"The Bookworm’s Demise" by Beverle Graves Myers (December 2007, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
"The Enlightenment of Magnus McKay" by John Burdett (Wall Street Noir)
"Wasting Assets" by Mike Wiecek (September 2007, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
"Forget Me Not" by Clifford Royal Johns (Fall 2007, Mysterical-E)


Рассказ (до 1000 слов):
Black Pearls by James C. Clar (CRIME AND SUSPENSE)
Incident in Itawamba by Gary Hoffman (TEACAKES AND AFTERNOON TALES)
«Д» - No Flowers for Stacey by Ruth McCarty (DEADFALL: CRIME STORIES BY NEW ENGLAND WRITERS)
«Д» - No Place Like Home by Dee Stuart (MYSTERICAL-E)
This Bird has Flown by BV Lawson (ARMCHAIRINTERVIEWS.COM)
A Killing Season by J.F. Benedetto (WOMAN'S WORLD)
Rainy Day Fund by J.K. Cummins (WOMAN'S WORLD)

Рассказ (от 1001 до 4000 слов):
Independence Day by Allan Leverone (CRIME AND SUSPENSE)
Regrets, I’ve Had a Few by Allan Leverone (TREI LITERARY MAGAZINE)
Stalkers* by Lew Stowe (CRIME AND SUSPENSE)
Taste for It by Sophie Littlefield (DARKEST BEFORE DAWN)
«Д» - The Cost of Doing Business by Michael Penncavage (THUGLIT)
Wishing on Whores by John Weagly (THIEVES JARGON)

Рассказ (от 4001 до 8000 слов):
Bonnie and Clyde Caper by O’Neil De Noux (EQMM)
Dead Even by Frank Zafiro (MEDIUM OF MURDER)
The Art of Avarice by Darrell James (POLITICS NOIR)
The Big Score by Chris Holm (BACK ALLEY)
«Д» - The Quick Brown Fox by Robert S. Levinson (AHMM)

Повесть (от 8001 до 17500 слов):
Haven’t Seen You Since the Funeral by Ernest B & Alice A. Brown (AHMM)
Jack Best and the Line in the Sand by Steve Olley (MYSTERICAL-E)
Panic on Portage Path by Dick Stodghill (AHMM)
«Д» - Too Wise by O’Neil De Noux (EQMM)
Vegetable Matters by Terry W. Ervin II (MINDFLIGHTS)

Кларк Говард (Clark Howard)


Короткий рассказ (Up to 1,000 Words)
«Д» -"And Here's To You, Mrs. Edwardson," by Hamilton Waymire, Published in the webzine Big Pulp, November 23, 2009
"Awake" by David Dean, Published in EQMM, July 2009
"Gutterball" by Stephen D. Rogers, Published in Woman's World Magazine, Sep 7, 2009
"The Right Track" by R.T. Lawton, Published in Woman's World Magazine, 10/26/09
"Unplanned" by Libby Cudmore, Published in Thrillers, Killers 'n' Chillers, August 2009

Рассказ: (1,001 - 4,000 Words)
"Identity Theft" by Robert Weibezahl, Published in Beat to a Pulp, March 2009
"The Biography of Stoop the Thief" by Steven Torres, Published in Uncage Me!, July 2009
"The Hard Sell" by Jay Stringer, Published in Beat to a Pulp, 2009
"The Right to Remain Silent" by Debbi Mack, Published in Back Alley Webzine, August 2009
«Д» - "Twas the Night" by Anita Page, Published in The Gift of Murder, 2009

Длинный рассказ: (4,001 - 8,000 Words)
"A Stab in the Heart" by Twist Phelan, Published in EQMM, February
«Д» - "Famous Last Words" by Doug Allyn, Published in EQMM, November
"Regarding Certain Occurrences in a Cottage at the Garden of Allah" by Robert S. Levinson, Published in AHMM, November
"Snow on Bloedkoppie" by Berhard Jaumann (translated from the German by Mary Tannert), Published in EQMM, August
"The Shipbreaker" by Mike Wiecek, Published in EQMM, March/April

Повесть (8,001 - 17,500 Words)6
"Adjuncts Anonymous" by B.K. Stevens, Published in AHMM, June
«Д» - "Julius Katz" by Dave Zeltserman, Published in EQMM, September/October
"The Last Drop" by R.W. Kerrigan, Published in EQMM, February
"The Pirate's Debt" by Toni L.P. Kelner, Published in EQMM, August
"Uncle Brick and Jimmy Kills" by Allan Leverone, Published in Mysterical-E

"Золотой Дерринджер" (Edward D. Hoch Memorial Golden Derringer for Lifetime Achievement):
Лоуренс Блок (Lawrence Block)


Короткий рассказ:
“Blues in the Night,” by Carol Kilgore, *Dark Valentine*, May 2010
“Homeless,” by Patricia Morin, *MYSTERY MONTAGE*, 2010
“Stick a Needle in My Eye,” by Julia Madeleine, *Powder Burn Flash* No. 302, May 5, 2010
"Д" - “The Book Signing,” by Kathy Kencharik, *THIN ICE: CRIME STORIES BY NEW ENGLAND WRITERS*, 2010
"Д" - “The Unknown Substance,” by Jane Hammons, *A Twist of Noir*, Dec. 27, 2010

"Seventy-two Hours or Less" by Michael J. Solender, *A Twist of Noir,* April 23, 2010
"Broken Down on the Bonneville Flats" by Jack Bates, *Beat to a Pulp,* October 17, 2010
"Angel of Mercy" by David Price, *Beat to a Pulp,* Jan. 31, 2010
"Д" - "Pewter Badge" by Michael J. Solender, *Yellow Mama," August, 2010
"My Asshole Brother" by Eric Beetner, *A Twist of Noir,* May 7, 2010

Длинный рассказ:
“A Tour of the Tower,” by Christine Poulson, *Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine*, March/April 2010
"Д" - “Care of the Circumcised Penis,” by Sean Doolittle, *THUGLIT PRESENTS: BLOOD, GUTS, AND WHISKEY*, 2010
"Д" - “Interpretation of Murder,” by B. K. Stevens, *Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine*, December 2010
“Silicon Kings,” by Richard Helms, *The Back Alley Webzine*, April 2010
“The Little Nogai Boy,” by R. T. Lawton, *Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine*, September 2010

“Deserters,” by Chris Muessig, *Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine*, March 2010
"Д" - “Rearview Mirror,” by Art Taylor, *Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine*, March 2010
“The Gods for Vengeance Cry,” by Richard Helms, *Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine*, November 2010
“The Man With One Eye,” by Stephen Ross, *Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine*, December 2010
“The Scent of Lilacs,” by Doug Allyn, *Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine*, September/October 2010


Jeffrey Cohen, "The Gun Also Rises: an Aaron Tucker Mystery," Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, January/February 2011
Toni L. P. Kelner, "In Brightest Day," Home Improvement: Undead Edition, August 2011
Doug Allyn, "A Penny for the Boatman," Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, March/April 2011
David Dean, "Tomorrow’s Dead," Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, July 2011
"Д" - Earl Staggs, "Where Billy Died," Untreed Reads, August 2011

Длинный рассказ:
"Д" - Art Taylor, "A Drowning at Snow’s Cut," Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, May 2011
Trina Corey, "Facts Exhibiting Wantonness," Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, November 2011
Trey Dowell, "Ballistic," Untreed Reads, July 2011
"Д" - Karen Pullen, "Brea’s Tale," Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, November 2011
William Burton McCormick, "Blue Amber," Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, June 2011

Elizabeth Zelvin, "Death will Tank Your Fish," Murder New York Style: Fresh Slices, 2011
"Д" - B.V. Lawson, pen name of Bonnie Vanaman, "Touch of Death," Absent Willow Review Online Magazine, April 2011
Mary E. Stibal, "Sisters in Black," Best New England Crime Stories 2012: Dead Calm, November 2011
Cathi Stoler, "Fatal Flaw." Beat to a Pulp Online, April 2011
Adam Renn Olenn, "Coronation," Best New England Crime Stories 2012: Dead Calm, November 2011

Короткий рассказ:
Warren Bull, "Company Policy," Yellow Mama, August 2011
John Kenyon, "Countdown," Thrillers, Killers, and Chillers, April 2011
"Д" - Al Leverone, "Lessons Learned," Shotgun Honey, July 2011
Melodie Campbell, "The Perfect Mark," Flash Fiction Online Magazine, July 2011
Kathleen Ryan, "Heat of Passion," A Twist of Noir, February 2011


Корокий рассказ:
• “An Old-Fashioned Villain,” by Nick Andreychuk (Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine, May 2012)
"Д" - “The Cable Job,” by Randy DeWitt (Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, September 2012)
• “Dead Man,” by A.J. Hayes (from Off the Record 2: At the Movies, edited by Luca Veste and Paul D. Brazill; Guilty Conscience)
• “Twas the Knife Before Christmas” by Allan Leverone (Shotgun Honey, December 24, 2012)
• “Daddy’s Girl,” by Nicola Kennington (The Flash Fiction Offensive, July 22, 2012)

"Д" - “Getting Out of the Box” by Michael Bracken (from Crime Square, edited by Robert J. Randisi; Vantage Point)
• “A Special Kind of Hell” by Hilary Davidson (from Beat to a Pulp: Round Two, edited by David Cramer and Matthew P. Mayo;
Beat to a Pulp)
• “Dead Weight,” by Allan Leverone (from Burning Bridges: A Renegade Fiction Anthology, edited by Benjamin Sobieck, Heath Lowrance, and McDroll; e-book)
• “Nain Rouge” by Barbara Nadel (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine 2012)
• “Baby Boy” by Todd Robinson (from Protectors: Stories to Benefit PROTECT, edited by Thomas Pluck; Goombah Gumbo Press)

Длинный рассказ:
• “The Pot Hunters,” by David Hagerty (AHMM, June 2012)
• “A Regular Story,” by Peggy McFarland (from Best New England Crime Stories 2013: Blood Moon, edited by Mark Ammons, Katherine Fast, Barbara Ross, and Leslie Wheeler; Level Best Books)
• “Peaches,” by Todd Robinson (Grift Magazine, April 2012)
"Д" - “When Duty Calls” by Art Taylor (from (in Chesapeake Crimes: This Job Is Murder, edited by Donna Andrews, Barb Goffman, and Marcia Talley; Wildside Press)
• “Double Wedding” Mo Walsh (from Best New England Crime Stories 2013: Blood Moon)

"Д" - “Wood-Smoke Boys,” by Doug Allyn (EQMM, March/April 2012)
• “Iphigenia in Aulis,” by Mike Carey (from An Apple for the Creature, edited by Charlaine Harris and Toni L. P. Kelner; Ace)
• “Mariel,” by David Dean (EQMM, December 2012)
• “Pirate Dave and the Captain’s Ghost,” by Toni L.P. Kelner (from An Apple for the Creature)
• “The Sunny South,” by Chris Muessig (AHMM, March/April 2012)


Короткий рассказ:
"Final Statement" by Robert Bailey (The Flash Fiction Offensive, July 18, 2013)
"Not My Day" by Stephen Buehler (Last Exit to Murder, Down & Out Books, June 2013)
"The Needle and the Spoon" by Allan Leverone (Shotgun Honey, November 15, 2013)
"Д" - "Luck is What You Make" by Stephen D. Rogers (Crime Factory, May 2013)
"Terry Tenderloin and the Pig Thief" by John Weagly (Shotgun Honey, June 21, 2013)

"Pretty Little Things" by Chris F. Holm (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July 2013)
"Д" - "The Present" by Robert Lopresti (The Strand Magazine, February-May 2013)
"The Sweetheart Scamster" by Rosemary McCracken (Thirteen by the Mesdames of Mayhem, August 2013)
"The Little Outlaw" by Mike Miner (Plan B Magazine, August 9, 2013)
"The Cemetery Man" by Bill Pronzini (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July 2013)

Длинный рассказ:
"Myrna!" by John Bubar (Best New England Crime Stories 2014: Stone Cold, Level Best Books, September 2013)
"Bloody Signorina" by Joseph D'Agnese (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, September 2013)
"Д" - "Give Me a Dollar" by Ray Daniel (Best New England Crime Stories 2014: Stone Cold, Level Best Books, September 2013)
"Dance Man" by Andrew Jetarski (Last Exit to Murder, Down & Out Books, June 2013)
"A Dangerous Life" by Adam Purple (Best New England Crime Stories 2014: Stone Cold, Level Best Books, September 2013)

"The Serpent Beneath the Flower" by Jack Bates (Mind Wings Audio, April 2013)
"Д" - "The Goddaughter's Revenge" by Melodie Campbell (Orca Rapid Reads, October 2013)
"For Love's Sake" by O'Neil De Noux (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, July/August 2013)
"The Antiquary's Wife" by William Burton McCormick (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, March 2013)
"Last Night in Cannes" by James L. Ross (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, November 2013)


Короткий рассказ:
"Д" - Joseph D'Agnese, "How Lil' Jimmie Beat the Big C" (Shotgun Honey, May 12, 2014)
Rob Hart, "Foodies" (Shotgun Honey, May 2, 2014)
Jed Power, "Sweet Smells" (Shotgun Honey, July 28, 2014)
Eryk Pruitt, "Knockout" (Out of the Gutter Online, August 31, 2014)
Travis Richardson, "Because" (Out of the Gutter Online, May 15, 2014)
Melissa Yuan-Innes, "Because" (Fiction River: Crime, March 2014)

B.V. Lawson, "The Least of These" (Plan B Magazine, June 6, 2014)
William Burton McCormick, "Killing Sam Clemens" (Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #13, July 2014)
Britni Patterson, "The Bad Son" (Carolina Crimes: 19 Tales of Lust, Love, and Longing, March 2014)
Mary E. Stibal, "A Friend in Brown" (Best New England Crime Stories 2015: Rogue Wave, November 2014)
"Д" - Cathi Stoler, "The Kaluki King of Queens" (Murder New York Style: Family Matters, August 2014)

Длинный рассказ:
M.H. Callway, "The Ultimate Mystery" (World Enough and Crime, October 2014)
Angel Luis Colon, "Separation Anxiety" (All Due Respect #3, May 2014)
"Д" - Hilary Davidson, "A Hopeless Case" (All Due Respect #4, September 2014)
James T. Shannon, "The Missing Money" (Best New England Crime Stories 2015: Rogue Wave, November 2014)
Cathy Wiley, "Dead Men Tell No Tales" (Chesapeake Crimes: Homicidal Holidays, October 2014)

"Д" - Doug Allyn, "The Snow Angel" (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, January 2014)
Doug Allyn, "Hitler's Dogs" (Fiction River: Crime, March 2014)
Vicki Delany, "Juba Good" (Orca Books Rapid Reads, April 2014)
Trey Dowell, "Infernal" (Untreed Reads, June 2014)
Richard Helms, "Busting Red Heads" (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March/April 2014)

"Золотой Дерринджер":
Джеймс Пауэлл (James Powell)


Короткий рассказ:
Jack Bates, "The Hard Screw" (Near to the Knuckle, August 6, 2015)
Craig Faustus Buck, "Heavy Debt" (Mondays are Murder: Akashic Books, August 10, 2015)
Barb Goffman, "The Wrong Girl" (Flash and Bang: A Short Mystery Fiction Society Anthology: Untreed Reads, October 2015)
"Д" - Vy Kava, "Hero" (Red Dawn: Best New England Crime Stories 2016: Level Best Books, November 2015)
John Weagly, "Trash Pick-Up" (Near to the Knuckle, September 24, 2015)

Shelly Dickson Carr, "Words Can Kill" (Red Dawn: Best New England Crime Stories 2016: Level Best Books, November 2015)
Nikki Dolson, "Joe Park's Little Girl" (Mystery Weekly, September 7, 2015)
Chris Knopf, "Kill Switch" (Red Dawn: Best New England Crime Stories 2016: Level Best Books, November 2015)
William Burton McCormick, "Pompo's Disguise" (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March/April 2015)
"Д" - Meg Opperman, "Twilight Ladies" (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March/April 2015)

Длинный рассказ:
Ron Collins, "The White Game" (Fiction River: Hidden in Crime: WMG Publishing, November 2015)
"Д" - John M. Floyd, "Dentonville" (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, November 2015)
Katia Lief, "The Orchid Grower" (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, November 2015)
Robert Lopresti, "Shooting at Firemen" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, July/August 2015)
Elizabeth Zelvin, "The Man in the Dick Tracy Hat" (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, June 2015)

"Д" - John M. Floyd, "Driver" (The Strand Magazine, February-May 2015)
Jane Haddam, "Crazy Cat Ladies" (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, February 2015)
Richard Helms, "Shooting Stars" (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, September/October 2015)
Gordon Hopkins, "Jack Daniels and Associates: The Whiplash Brokers" (Kindle Worlds, March 2015)
Travis Richardson, "Quack and Dwight" (Jewish Noir: Contemporary Tales of Crime and Other Dark Deeds: PM Press, November 2015)


Короткий рассказ:
"Aftermath" by Craig Faustus Buck (Flash Bang Mysteries, Spring 2016)
"The Phone Call" by Herschel Cozine (Flash Bang Mysteries, Summer 2016)
"A Just Reward" by O'Neil de Noux (Flash Bang Mysteries, Winter 2016)
"The Orphan" by Billy Kring (Shotgun Honey, March 18, 2016)
"An Ill Wind" by R.T. Lawton (Flash Bang Mysteries, Spring 2016)

"Beks and the Second Note" by Bruce Arthurs (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, December 2016)
The Way They Do It in Boston by Linda Barnes (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, September/October 2016)
"YOLO" by Libby Cudmore (BEAT to a PULP, May 2016)
The Woman in the Briefcase by Joseph D'Agnese (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March/April 2016)
The Lighthouse by Hilde Vandermeeren (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March/April 2016)

Длинный рассказ:
"Swan Song" by Hilary Davidson (Unloaded: Crime Writers Writing Without Guns ed. Eric Beetner, Down & Out Books, April 2016)
"Effect on Men" by O'Neil De Noux, (The Strand Magazine, Issue XLVIII, Feb-May 2016)
"The Cumberland Package" by Robert Mangeot (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, May 2016)
"Murder Under the Baobab" by Meg Opperman (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, November 2016)
"Breadcrumbs" by Victoria Weisfeld (Betty Fedora Issue Three: Kickass Women In Crime Fiction, September 2016)

"Coup de Grace" by Doug Allyn (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, September/October 2016)
"The Chemistry of Heroes" by Catherine Dilts (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, May 2016)
"Inquiry and Assistance" by Terrie Farley Moran (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, January/February 2016)
"The Educator" by Travis Richardson (44 Caliber Funk: Tales of Crime, Soul, and Payback ed. Gary Phillips and Robert J. Randisi, Moonstone, December 2016)
"The Last Blue Glass" by B.K. Stevens (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, April 2016)


Короткий рассказ:
"Cold Turkey" by Patricia Dusenbury, Flash Bang Mysteries ed. Brandon Bourg (Summer 2017)
"Happy Birthday" by Alan Orloff, Shotgun Honey ed. Ron Earl Phillips (June 15, 2017)
"Final Testimony" by Travis Richardson, Flash Fiction Offensive ed, Hector Duarte Jr. and Rob Pierce (July 10, 2017)
"Д" - "Fishing for an Alibi" by Earl Staggs, Flash Bang Mysteries ed. Brandon Bourg (Fall 2017)
"Flash Point" by Elizabeth Zelvin, A Twist of Noir ed. Christopher Grant (March 20, 2017)

"The Kids Keep Coming" by David H. Hendrickson, Fiction River: Tavern Tales ed. Kerrie L. Hughes, WMG Publishing Inc. (January 2017)
"Д" - "The Cop Who Liked Gilbert and Sullivan" by Robert Lopresti, Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #23, ed. Marvin Kaye, Wildside Press (October 2017)
"The New Score" by Alison McMahan, Fish Out of Water: A Guppy Anthology ed. Ramona DeFelice Long, Wildside Press (March 2017)
"The Bank Job" by Stephen D. Rogers, Trigger Warning Short Fiction with Pictures ed. Eric Lindbom and John Skewes (March 16, 2017)
"Every Picture Tells a Story" by Cathi Stoler, Where Crime Never Sleeps: Murder New York Style 4 ed. Elizabeth Zelvin, Level Best Books (September 2017)

Длинный рассказ:
"El Asesino" by Rusty Barnes, BULL ed. Ben Drevlow (May 22, 2017)
"The #2 Pencil" by Matt Coyle, Coast to Coast: Private Eyes from Sea to Shining Sea ed. Andrew McAleer and Paul D. Marks, Down & Out Books (January 2017)
"Д" - "Death in the Serengeti" by David H. Hendrickson, Fiction River: Pulse Pounders: Andrenaline ed. Kevin J. Anderson, WMG Publishing, Inc. (July 2017)
"Matricide and Ice Cream" by William Burton McCormick, The CWA Anthology of Short Stories: Mystery Tour ed. Martin Edwards, Orenda Books (November 2017)
"The Drive-By" by Alison McMahan, Busted: Arresting Stories from the Beat ed. Verena Rose, Harriette Sackler, and Shawn Reilly Simmons, Level Best Books (April 2017)

"Д" - "Flowing Waters" by Brendan DuBois, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine ed. Janet Hutchings, January/February 2017
"Windward" by Paul D. Marks, Coast to Coast: Private Eyes from Sea to Shining Sea ed. Andrew McAleer and Paul D. Marks, Down & Out Books (January 2017)
"King's Quarter" by Andrew McAleer, Coast to Coast: Private Eyes from Sea to Shining Sea ed. Andrew McAleer and Paul D. Marks, Down & Out Books (January 2017)
"Kill My Wife, Please" by Robert J. Randisi, Coast to Coast: Private Eyes from Sea to Shining Sea ed. Andrew McAleer and Paul D. Marks, Down & Out Books (January 2017)
"Trouble Like a Freight Train Coming" by Tina Whittle, Lowcountry Crime: Four Novellas ed. James M. Jackson and Jan Rubens, Wolf's Echo Press (February 2017)


Короткий рассказ:
Listen Up Peter DiChellis
Don't Text and Drive Robert Petyo
"Д" - The Bicycle Thief James Blakey
A Misunderstanding Travis Richardson
Sonny the Wonder Beast Nick Kolakowski

The Crucial Game Janice Law
"Д" - Dying in Dokesville Alan Orloff
The Cabin in the Woods Sylvia Maultash Warsh
The Belle Hope Peter DiChellis
If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Murder Josh Pachter

Длинный рассказ:
"Д" - With My Eyes Leslie Budewitz
The Case of the Missing Pot Roast Barb Goffman
Mercy Find Me Diana Deverell
The Vanishing Volume Janet Raye Stevens
Till Murder Do Us Part Barb Goffman

Three-Star Sushi Barry Lancet
"Д" - Джиджи Пандиан "Камбоджийское проклятие" - The Cambodian Curse Gigi Pandian
Oil Down Brian Silverman
The Adventure of the Manhunting Marshal Jim Doherty
I’ve Got To Get Me a Gun Vincent Zandri


Короткий рассказ:
Lucky Trey Dowell
"Д" - The Two-Body Problem Josh Pachter
2 Percent Lissa Marie Redmond
Birdbrain C J Verburg
The Six-Year-Old Serial Killer Chris Chan

The Kindly Dark J. B. Toner
Living on Borrowed Time Melissa Haveman
A Sure Thing Mary Kellogg
"Д" - On the Road with Mary Jo John Floyd
Pig Lickin’ Good Debra H. Debra Goldstein

Длинный рассказ:
Miss Starr’s Good-bye Leslie Budewitz
None Shall Sleep Sylvia Maultash Warsh
Pretty Dreams Peter W. J. Hayes
See Humble and Die Rick Helms
"Д" - Lucy's Tree Sandra Murphy

"Д" - Her Sister's Secrets Brendan DuBois
The Cripplegate Apprehension Rick Helms
The Concrete Smile Frank Zafiro
The Dutchy Doug Allyn
I Called to Say You're Dead Stephen Greco

"Золотой Дерринджер":
Josh Pachter


Короткий рассказ:
Outsourcing, James Blakey
Over Before It Started, Robert Mangeot
"Д" - Blackwell, C.W. “Memories of Fire”
"Д" - War Words, Travis Richardson
Quitman County Ambush, Bobby Mathews

That Which Is True, Jacqueline Freimor
"Д" - River, Stacy Woodson
The Crossing, Kim Keeline
"Д" - The Great Bedbug Incident and the Invitation of Doom, Eleanor Cawood Jones
The Homicidal Understudy, Elizabeth Elwood

Длинный рассказ:
Chasing Diamonds, Joseph S. Walker
Lord, Spare the Bottom Feeders, Robert Mangeot
Mary Poppins Didn't Have Tattoos, Stacy Woodson
Etta at the End of the World, Joseph S. Walker
"Д" - Hotelin', Sarah M. Chen

A Murder at Morehead Mews, G.M. Malliet
The Wretched Strangers, Matthew Wilson
The Question of the Befuddled Judge, Jeff Cohen
"Д" - The Boy Detective & The Summer of ’74, Art Taylor
Suicide Blonde, Brian Thornton

The Edward D. Hoch Memorial Golden Derringer:
Брендан Дюбуа (Brendan DuBois)


Короткий рассказ:
C.W. Blackwell. "Smoke and Consequences." Mystery Tribune.
Wil A. Emerson. "An Unexpected Reunion." BOULD Awards 2021 Short Story Anthology Vol 1.
"Д" - John M. Floyd. "Tourist Trap." Pulp Modern Flash.
Scott Von Doviak. "Millicent." Shotgun Honey.
Robert Weibezahl. "Why Are You Just Sitting There?" Yellow Mama.

Brandon Barrows. "The Right to Hang." On the Premises. October 2021.
Tina Debellegarde. "Tokyo Stranger." A Stranger Comes to Town.
"Д" - Trey Dowell. "Yelena Tried to Kill Me." Mystery Weekly Magazine. August 2021.
Kathleen Marple Kalb. "The Thanksgiving Ragamuffin." Justice For All.
Gabriel Valjan. "Burnt Ends." This Time for Sure.

Длинный рассказ:
K.L. Abrahamson. "Chicken Coops and Bread Pudding." Moonlight and Misadventure.
"Д" - Michael Bracken. "The Downeaster Alexa." Only the Good Die Young.
Teel James Glenn. "A Study of Death." Mystery Weekly Magazine. October 2021.
Annie Reed. "Missing Carolyn." Fiction River: Dark & Deadly Passions.
Mark Troy. "Burnin Butt, Texas." Black Cat Mystery Magazine. Issue 10.

Jim Benn. "Glass." Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. September/October 2021.
Michael Bracken. "Aloha Boys." Hallmarks of the Job / Aloha Boys.
Barb Goffman. "A Tale of Two Sisters." Murder on the Beach.
Annie Reed. "Little City Blues." Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem: Long Ago.
"Д" - Stacy Woodson. "Two Tamales, One Tokarev, and a Lifetime of Broken Promises." Guns + Tacos: Season Three.
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Re: Награда "Дерринджер"

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 10 авг 2010, 13:37

Хм. Ну и как мне список составлять?
Эта награда дается за рассказы, которые делятся на несколько категорий, в зависимости от длины - короткие рассказы отдельно, длинные отдельно, повести отдельно. В общем, логично, но...
Проблема составления списка в том что в разные годы организаторы по-разному подходили к тому, какие рассказы считать короткими, а какие длинными (например, сейчас коротким считается рассказ, в котором менее 1000 слов, несколько лет назад коротким считался рассказ, в котором менее 500 слов, а с какими мерками к длине рассказов подходили в самом начале, неизвестно. Может, на глаз считали :-) Итого рассказ из 600 слов сейчас считается коротким, но пять лет назад он считался бы средним.

Рассказ | +
Patricia Abbott "My Hero" (2007, D.Z. Allen’s Muzzle Flash)
Doug Allyn "Famous Last Words" (EQMM, November)
Nick Andreychuk "Sand Scam" (Fall 2004, Crimestalker Casebook)
Nick Andreychuk "Patience" (Fall 2003, Futures)
Nick Andreychuk "Sending Out an S.O.S." (Apr/May/June 2002, Futures)
Nick Andreychuk "In the Heat of the Moment" (February 2001, Futures)
Erik Arneson "The Murder of Ernest Trapnell" (Fall 1998, Mary Higgins Clark Mystery Magazine)
Jennifer Ashley "The Disappearance of Miss Sarah Oswald" (Spring 2000, Over My Dead body)
Sandy Balzo "Viscery" (December 2004, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)
Ray Banks "Phillie's Last Dance" (March 2004, Shots Magazine)
Michele R. Bardsley "A Mother Scorned" (Writer's Digest)
David Bareford "Eden's Bodyguard" (September 2006, Thuglit)
Guy Belleranti "Motive For Murder" (Spring 2003, Futures)
Guy Belleranti "Accident" (About.com Mysteries)
J.F. Benedetto "A Killing Season" (WOMAN'S WORLD)
Jillian Berg "A Woman Scorned" (Autumn 2007, Mouth Full of Bullets)
Terry Black "Big Winner" (November 2003, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
Deanne Boast "Hangman's Tree" (December 2005, Crime and Suspense)
B.J. Bourg "Hell Hath No Fury" (March 2005, Mysterical-E)
Michael Bracken "All My Yesterdays" (2003, Suddenly V)
Michael Bracken "Cuts Like A Knife" (Fedora)
Beverly Brackett "Theda" (November 2004, Flash Fantastic)
Eileen Brosnan "Back Stairs"
Kimberly Brown "Exchange of Information" (February 6, 1998 [Flash 49])
Rex Burns "Shadow People" (June 2006,Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
JR Chabot "Best Wishes" (September 2005, Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine)
Jan Christensen "Matched Set" (Winter 2006, Long Story Short)
Jan Christensen "Up in Smoke" (January/February/March 2004, Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine)
Richard Ciciarelli "Happy Acres Homicide" (Solve-It 227, MysteryNet.com)
Richard Ciciarelli "Key to Success" (November 4, 1998, TheCase.com [Twist 98])
James C. Clar "Black Pearls" (CRIME AND SUSPENSE)
Keri Clark "Your New Fan" (Winter 2007, Mouth Full of Bullets)
Keri Clark "Saved" (Fall 2007,Mysterical-E)
Herschel Cozine "A Private Hanging" (Summer 2007, Mysterical-E)
Bill Crider "Cranked" (Damn Near Dead: An Anthology of Geezer Noir)
Bill Crider "Top of the World" (Flesh and Blood: Dark Desires)
Libby Cudmore "Unplanned" (Thrillers, Killers 'n' Chillers, August 2009)
J.K. Cummins "Rainy Day Fund" (WOMAN'S WORLD)
J. K. Cummins "Housesitter" (Summer 2004, Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine)
Charles Cutter "Smoky Didn't Send Me" (December 2001, AHMM)
S.A. Daynard "Widow’s Peak" (2004, Riptide: Crime Stories by New England Writers; edited by Skye Alexander, Kate Flora, Susan Oleksiw, Level Best Books)
David Dean "Awake" (EQMM, July 2009)
Elizabeth Dearl "The Way to a Man's Heart" (February 10, 1999, The Case.Com Twist)
Margaret Dicanio "Tunnel of Malice" (October 2001, Futures)
Lynda Douglas "Blind Justice" (August 15, 1999, Novel Advice)
Lee Driver "Sara Morningsky" (March 2003, A Mystery in Mind)
Joan Druett "Brethren of The Sea" (November 2004, Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine)
Barry Ergang "Vigilante" (Summer 2006, Mysterical-E)
Gail Farrelly "Even Steven" (Winter 2006,Mouth Full of Bullets)
Jacqueline Fiedler "Amish Butter" (Unholy Orders)
Kate Flora "Mr. McGregor’s Garden" (Still Waters)
John M. Floyd "Four For Dinner" (Seven by Seven)
Dorothy Francis "When in Rome" (December/January 2000, Murderous Intent Mystery Magazine)
Dorothy Francis "The Christmas Guest" (December 16, 1998 [Twist 103])
Michael Giorgio "Experience Required" (March 2004, Lunatic Chameleon [Print Edition])
Kate Grilley "Guavaberry Christmas"
Justin Gustainis "Interview" (October 2006, Cape Fear Crime Festival)
Dale B. Hall "Checkmate!" (October 2, 1998, TheCase.com [Flash 65])
Woody Hanstein "The Spare" (October 2005, Level Best Books)
Jack Hardway "Handful of Stars" (Autumn 2007, Mouth Full of Bullets)
Jordan Harper "Johnny Cash is Dead" (October 2005, Thuglit)
Patricia Harrington "Secondhand Shoe" (2005, A Flasher’s Dozen)
Rosemary Harris "Growing Up Is for Losers" (Still Waters)
Paul Harrison "Rough Times" (March 6, 1998, TheCase.com [Flash 51])
Richard Helms "The Gospel According to Gordon Black" (Fall 2007, The Thrilling Detective Web Site)
Andy Henion "The Day the Bad Men Came" (January 2005, Thieves Jargon)
Steve Hockensmith "Erie's Last Day" (May 2000, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine)
Gary Hoffman "Incident in Itawamba" (TEACAKES AND AFTERNOON TALES)
Joyce Holland "Gator Bayou" (Spring 1998, Fogfire Magazine, Vol. 1, Issue 2)
Chris Holm "The Big Score" (BACK ALLEY)
Matt Hughes "One More Kill" (December 1999, Blue Murder)
Chris Huntington "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie" (Blue Murder Magazine 9)
Robert Iles "The Deadly Diamonds" (1998, Blue Murder 5)
Darrell James "The Art of Avarice" (POLITICS NOIR)
Berhard Jaumann (translated from the German by Mary Tannert) "Snow on Bloedkoppie" (EQMM, August)
Michael Kahn "The Bread of Affliction" (September/October 1999, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
Carol Kilgore "Just a Man on the Sidewalk, (March 12-18, 1999, TheCase.Com)
Gay T. Kinman "Coyotes Find" (February 2003, Detective Mystery Stories)
Pretty, Kitty "Д" - Джойс Холланд "Милая Китти" (Joyce Holland)
Jesse Knight "Pocket Picked" (March 18, 1998, TheCase.com [Twist 69])
J.A. Konrath "The Big Guys" (2004, Small Bites; edited by Garrett Peck and Keith Gouveia)
Camille LaGuire "The Promise" (March-April 2007, Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine)
Camille LaGuire "Waiter, There's a Clue in My Soup" (Spring 2003, Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine)
BV Lawson "This Bird has Flown" (ARMCHAIRINTERVIEWS.COM)
B.V. Lawson "Dreaming of a Spite Christmas" (Winter 2007, Mouth Full of Bullets, )
R.T. Lawton "The Right Track" (Woman's World Magazine, 10/26/09)
Dina Leacock (под псевд. Dianne Arrelle) "To the Farm" (1998, Blue Murder 2)
Hugh Lessig "We All Come from Splattertown" (July 2007, ThugLit)
Allan Leverone "Regrets, I’ve Had a Few" (TREI LITERARY MAGAZINE)
Allan Leverone "Independence Day" (CRIME AND SUSPENSE)
Robert S. Levinson "Regarding Certain Occurrences in a Cottage at the Garden of Allah" (AHMM, November)
Robert S. Levinson "The Quick Brown Fox" (AHMM)
Robert S. Levinson "Uncle Blinky's Corner of the World" (March/April 2006, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
Sophie Littlefield "Taste for It" (DARKEST BEFORE DAWN)
Robert Lopresti "Shanks on the Prowl" (May 2006, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
Rob Lopresti "Nailbiter" (September 2003, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
Michelle Mach "Snowflake Therapy" (June 2006, Thereby Hangs a Tale)
Michelle Mach "Word Power" (March 2005, Flashshot)
Michelle Mach "How to Become a Rodeo Queen" (October 2003, Mslexia)
Debbi Mack "The Right to Remain Silent" (Back Alley Webzine, August 2009)
Michael Mallory "Curiosity Kills"
Antony Mann "Taking Care of Frank" (Crimewave #2)
Jill Maser "Flight School" (August 28, 2006, Flashshots)
K. G. McAbee "Children Seen and Heard" (July 2003, EWG Presents: Without a Clue)
Earl McGill "Polls Don't Lie" (Blue Murder)
Graydon Miller "At Thirty Paces" (The Havana Brotherhood)
Gwen Moffat "The Dark Tower" (Malice Domestic)
L. C. Mohr "Absent-Minded" (June/July 1999, Futures)
Eddie Muller "Wanda Wilcox is Trapped" (September/October 2003, Plots With Guns)
Beverle Graves Myers "Brimstone P.I." (May 2007, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
Beverle Graves Myers "Sweet Smell of Success" (2004, Who Died in Here?; edited by Pat Dennis, Penury Press)
Tim Myers "Greenhouse Pest" (November 2001, Futures)
Tim Myers "Sunken Dreams" (December 2000, Futures)
Amy Myers "Tom Wasp and Anybody's Child" (Scenes of Crime)
Tim Myers "The Armored Car" (August 4, 1999, MysteryNet Twist)
Kris Neri "Capital justice" (1998, Blue Murder 1)
Kris Neri "L.A. Justice"
Rick Noetzel "Joyride" (December 2007, Shred of Evidence)
O’Neil De Noux "Bonnie and Clyde Caper" (EQMM)
Anita Page "Twas the Night" (The Gift of Murder, 2009)
Michael Penncavage "The Cost of Doing Business" (THUGLIT)
Twist Phalen "A Trader’s Lot" (from Wall Street Noir)
Twist Phelan "A Stab in the Heart" (EQMM, February)
Bill Pronzini "Just Looking" (Flesh and Blood: Dark Desires)

Повесть | +
Doug Allyn "Secondhand Heart" (January/February 2004, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine)
Doug Allyn "The Murder Ballads" (March 2002, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
Doug Allyn "The Death Row Pet Show" (April 2000, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
Doug Allyn "Saint Bobby" (April 1999, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
Ernest B & Alice A. Brown "Haven’t Seen You Since the Funeral" (AHMM)
Mark Best "The Safest Place on Earth" (Spring 2005, Thrilling Detective Web Site)
Alice A. Brown & Ernest B "Haven’t Seen You Since the Funeral" (AHMM)
John Burdett "The Enlightenment of Magnus McKay" (Wall Street Noir)
William J. Carroll, Jr. "Attitude Thing" (May 2000, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine)
C. M. Chan "Death in the Dales" (January 1999, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
Bentley Dadmun "Harry's Lament" (June 2001, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
Bentley Dadmun "Annie's Dream" (December 1999, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
Annette Dashofy "Signature in Blood" (Winter 2006, Mysterical-E)
Jeffery Deaver "Lesser-Included Offense" (May 2001, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
John F. Dobbyn "Monday, Sweet Monday" (June 2005, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
Lynda Douglas "Lilacs and Lace" (June 2000, Futures)
Terry W. Ervin II "Vegetable Matters" (MINDFLIGHTS)
Loren D. Estleman "Bombshell" (August 2003, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
Terence Faherty "A Sunday in Ordinary Time" (August 2004, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)
David Edgerly Gates "Medicine Water" (September 2002, AHMM)
David Handler "The Mondo Whammy" (September/October 2001, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
G. Miki Hayden "The Girl in Apartment 2A" (2004, Dime; edited by Babs Lakey, Quiet Storm)
Clark Howard "The Mask of Peter" (April 2003, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
Clark Howard "To Live and Die in Midland, Texas" (September-October 2002, EQMM)
Clark Howard "Blood Paths" (June 2000, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
Julie Hyzy "Strictly Business" (These Guns for Hire)
Clifford Royal Johns "Forget Me Not" (Fall 2007, Mysterical-E)
Stephen Johnston "Fish" (Fall 2005, Web Mystery Magazine)
Toni L.P. Kelner "The Pirate's Debt" (EQMM, August)
R.W. Kerrigan "The Last Drop" (EQMM, February)
Allan Leverone "Uncle Brick and Jimmy Kills" (Mysterical-E)
Peter Lovesey "The Sedgemoor Strangler" (2000, Criminal Records)
Stuart MacBride "Daphne MacAndrews and the Smack-Head Junkies" (Damn Near Dead: An Anthology of Geezer Noir)
Catherine Mambretti "Painter of the Seven-Eyed Beast" (November 2002, AHMM)
Jean McCord "Early Morning Rain" (Futures 4)
Deborah Morgan "The Windsor Ballet" (Flesh and Blood: Guilty as Sin)
Beverle Graves Myers "The Bookworm’s Demise" (December 2007, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
Beverle Graves Myers "The Franklin Fiasco" (September 2004, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine)
O’Neil De Noux "Too Wise" (EQMM)
Steve Olley "Jack Best and the Line in the Sand" (MYSTERICAL-E)
Margo Power "Image of Conspiracy"
Robert J. Randisi "Henry and the Idiots" (High Stakes)
Harriet Rzetelny "Amazing Grace" (February 2003, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
Steven Saylor "The Cherries of Lucullus" (May 2005 Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
Peter Sellers "Avenging Miriam" (December 2001, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
Eric Shane "Paper Walls/Glass Houses" (June 2007, The Back Alley)
B.K. Stevens "Adjuncts Anonymous" (AHMM, June)
Bob Stevens "Henry's Power" (March 2002, HandHeldCrime)
Dick Stodghill "Panic on Portage Path" (AHMM)
Larry Sweazy "See Also Murder" (December 11, 2006, Amazon Shorts)
Steven Torres "The Valley of Angustias" (October 2006, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine)
David White "God's Dice" (Spring 2004, Thrilling Detective Web Site)
Mike Wiecek "Wasting Assets" (September 2007, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
Frank Zafiro "Good Shepherd" (May 2005, Ascent Aspirations Magazine)
Dave Zeltserman "Julius Katz" (EQMM, September/October)

Золотой Дериинджер (награда имени Э.Хоча) за заслуги в жанре | +
Edward D. Hoch
Henry Slesar
(For his extensive and outstanding body of short mystery fiction)
John Lutz
Clark Howard
Lawrence Block

Серебрянный Дерринджер (за редакторскую работу) | +
Cathleen Jordan -посмертно- (For 20 benchmark years at the helm of Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)

Читатель | +
Kate Derie
Robert Foster
(The long-time editor of The Short Order, the online newsletter serving the Short Mystery Fiction Society.)
Jiro Kimura (The Short Mystery Fiction Society Historian, and Producer/Author of The Gumshoe Site.)
Babs Lakey
Верных рыцарей слова так мало на свете,
И другие таланты сегодня в цене…
Это книжки, и только, а книжные дети
Побеждают отнюдь не во всякой войне.

©Нателла Болтянская
Аватар пользователя
Alex Smith
Мастер дедукции
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Сообщений: 2731
Стаж: 183 месяцев и 8 дней
Карма: + 56 -
Благодарил (а): 40 раз.
Поблагодарили: 687 раз.

Re: Награда "Дерринджер"

СообщениеАвтор Доктор Фелл » 10 авг 2010, 14:02

Но, наверное, есть какие-то названия категорий?
‘И сказал По: да будет детектив. И возник детектив. И когда По увидел, что создал, он сказал: и вот хорошо весьма. Ибо создал он сразу классическую форму детектива. И форма эта была и останется во веки веков истинной в этом бесконечном мире’. © Эллери Квин.
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Доктор Фелл
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Стаж: 183 месяцев и 10 дней
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Откуда: Россия, Москва
Благодарил (а): 931 раз.
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Re: Награда "Дерринджер"

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 10 авг 2010, 15:12

С названиями еще одна проблема,дело в том, что они тоже немного менялись
Изначально были

Потом категория "Новеллла" исчезла, но появилось две новые:

В конце концов названия категорий заменили длиной
STORY (0-1Best Story 0 to 1,,000 WORDS)
STORY (1,001-4,000 WORDS)
STORY (4,001-8,000 WORDS)
STORY (8,001-17,500 WORDS)
Верных рыцарей слова так мало на свете,
И другие таланты сегодня в цене…
Это книжки, и только, а книжные дети
Побеждают отнюдь не во всякой войне.

©Нателла Болтянская
Аватар пользователя
Alex Smith
Мастер дедукции
Мастер дедукции
Сообщений: 2731
Стаж: 183 месяцев и 8 дней
Карма: + 56 -
Благодарил (а): 40 раз.
Поблагодарили: 687 раз.

Re: Награда "Дерринджер"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 10 авг 2010, 19:03

Я думаю, при составлении списка, в данном случае можно не заморачиваться с категориями - все это рассказы и повести. И для нас не имеет большого значения количество слов.
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Сообщений: 1368
Стаж: 183 месяцев и 9 дней
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Re: Награда "Дерринджер"

СообщениеАвтор Alex Smith » 10 авг 2010, 20:51

Поскольку некоторые из рассказов публиковались в журналах с названиями типа TheCase.com, подозреваю, что это могли быть непрофессиональные авторы. Все-таки в интернет-журналах выходит много любительских работ (другое дело, что такие работы вполне могут быть качественными, ибо делаются из любви к искусству, а не ради заработка).
Верных рыцарей слова так мало на свете,
И другие таланты сегодня в цене…
Это книжки, и только, а книжные дети
Побеждают отнюдь не во всякой войне.

©Нателла Болтянская
Аватар пользователя
Alex Smith
Мастер дедукции
Мастер дедукции
Сообщений: 2731
Стаж: 183 месяцев и 8 дней
Карма: + 56 -
Благодарил (а): 40 раз.
Поблагодарили: 687 раз.

Re: Награда "Дерринджер"

СообщениеАвтор Stark » 08 мар 2016, 11:38

А тем временем Шелли Диксон Карр, внучка Джона Диксона Карра, удостоилась номинации на премию "Дерринджер" за рассказ "Words Can Kill" (Red Dawn: Best New England Crime Stories 2016).
Аватар пользователя
Автор темы
Сообщений: 1368
Стаж: 183 месяцев и 9 дней
Карма: + 25 -
Благодарил (а): 829 раз.
Поблагодарили: 499 раз.

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