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Эдвард Хоч

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Авторы раздела:
  Алекс Д.; Андервуд М.; Аюкава Т.; Берли Д.; Болл Д.; Брин Д.Л.; Бриттен У.; Бэрнард Р.; Вида́л Г.; Голдсборо Р.; Графтон С.; Груль Х.; Грэм К.; Декстер К.; Джеймс Ф.Д.; Ди Андреa У. ; Дикинсон П.; Йорк М.; Кемельман Г.; Китинг Г.; Коуди Л.; Куртисс У. ; Ланг М.; Ловси П.; Лондон М.; Мойз П.; Мурр Ш.; Мюллер М.; Нисимура К. ; Нюквист Г.; Пентикост Х.; Порджес А.; Порте Д.; Пэчтер Д.; Резников Г.; Ренделл Р.; Реувен Р. ; Ричардсон Р.; Слезар Г.; Слейдек Д.; Слово Д.; Смит У. Ф.; Стангеруп Х.; Трумэн М.; Уотсон К.; Фрейзер А.; Фруттеро & Лучентини ; Хилл Р.; Хоч Э.; Шкворецкий Й. ; Шубрт В.; Эрд К.; Яннис Я.

Эдвард Хоч

СообщениеАвтор Доктор Фелл » 05 окт 2011, 19:51

Э Д В А Р Д  Д Е Т И Н Г Е Р  Х О Ч   
「E D W A R D  D E N T I N G E R  H O C H」

   Д А Т А  С М Е Р Т И:  17 ЯНВАРЯ 2008 г. 〈77 лет〉「РОЧЕСТЕР; ШТАТ НЬЮ-ЙОРК; США」
   Г О Д Ы  Т В О Р Ч Е С Т В А:  1955 — 2008 г.г.

 Американский писатель Эдвард Детингер Хоч, создавший большое количество детективных произведений. И если его имя менее известно, чем оно того заслуживает, то произошло это в основном потому, что автор предпочитал писать рассказы, а не романы. К сожалению, на русском языке издано очень мало его рассказов, а те немногие,, что переведены, относятся, за редким исключением, к жанру фантастики.

Частичная библиография | +
Часть 1: Выпущенные книги

The Shattered Raven (1969)
The Transvection Machine (1971)
The Fellowship of the Hand (1972)
The Blue Movie Murders (1972) под псевдонимом Ellery Queen
The Frankenstein Factory (1975)

Авторские сборники рассказов. "Неканонические" помечены звёздочкой, от издательства Crippen&Landru помечены тире
* The Judges Of Hades (1971) — Саймон Арк (брошюра, 5 рассказов)
* City of Brass (1971) — Саймон Арк (брошюра, 3 рассказа)
The Spy and The Thief (1971) — Рэнд и Вельвет (по 7 каждого)
The Thefts of Nick Velvet (1978) — Вельвет (13+1 в специальной версии)
The Quests of Simon Ark (1985) — Саймон Арк (10 рассказов)
Leopold’s Way (1985) — Леопольд (24 рассказа)
* Tales of Espionage (1989) — Рэнд и "Интерпол" (15 рассказов: 8 о Рэнде, 7 в цикле "Интерпол", а также рассказы Робериа Эдварда Эккельса и Брайана Гарфилда)
* The Spy Who Read Latin and Other Stories (1991) — Рэнд (брошюра, 5 рассказов)
The Night My Friend: Stories of Crime and Suspense (1991) — внесерийный (12 рассказов)
— Diagnosis: Impossible: The Problems of Dr. Sam Hawthorne (1996) — Хоторн (12 первых рассказов цикла)
— The Ripper of Storyville and Other Ben Snow Tales (1997) — Бен Сноу (14 первых рассказов цикла)
— The Velvet Touch (2000) — Вельвет (14: 8 историй о Белой Королеве и ещё 6 рассказов)
— The Old Spies Club and Other Intrigues of Rand (2001) — Рэнд (15: 11 о Лейле Гаад и ещё 4 рассказа)
The Night People and Other Stories (2001) — второй сборник внесерийных (12 рассказов)
— The Iron Angel and Other Tales of the Gypsy Sleuth (2003) — Владо (15 рассказов)
— More Things Impossible: The Second Casebook of Sam Hawthorne (2006) — Хоторн (следующие 15 рассказов цикла)
The Sherlock Holmes Stories of Edward D. Hoch (2008) — Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон (все 12 рассказов цикла)

Планирующиеся (все — издательством Crippen&Landru):
Nothing Is Impossible: The Third Casebook of Dr. Sam Hawthorne (2013?) — Хоторн (следующие 15(?) рассказов цикла; планируется с 2007 года, сейчас проходит корректуру)
Funeral in the Fog and Other Simon Ark Tales — Саймон Арк (15 рассказов; планируется с 2007 года)
Hoch’s Ladies (рассказы из трёх серий Хоча, посвящённый сыщикам-женщинам; планируется с 2006 года)

Часть 2: Список серийных героев автора в алфавитном порядке с некоторыми комментариями; полужирным выделены герои с хотя бы одним рассказом, переведённых на русский язык
Simon Ark — рассказы со сверхъестественными событиями, получающими рациональное объяснение в конце
Ulysses S. Bird — воровские истории
Computer Cops
Professor Dark
Al Diamond/Al Darlan — крутой детектив и частном следователе в американском духе
Barney Hamet
Dr. Sam Hawthorne (доктор Сэм Хоторн) — исторический (1922—1944) детектив с неизменным невозможным преступлением
Sherlock Holmes (Шерлок Холмс)
Susan Holt (Сьюзен Хольт) — современный детектив с невозможным преступлением
Libby Knowles
Captain Leopold (капитан Леопольд) — полицейский процедурный детектив, полагающийся, однако, больше на дедукцию, чем на рутину
Father David Noone — христианский детектив
Sir Gideon Parrot — пародии на Кристи и Карра
David Piper
Harry Ponder
Tommy Preston
Matthew Prize
Jeffery Rand (Джеффри Рэнд) — шпионские детективы
Barnabus Rex
Annie Sears
Ben Snow — исторические детективы на Диком Западе (1882—1908)
Charles Spacer
Stanton & Ives (Стэнтон и Айвс) — юмористические детективы в духе Томми и Таппенс
Alexander Swift — исторические детективы в эпоху Джорджа Вашингтона
Paul Tower
Nancy Trentino
Nick Velvet (Ник Вельвет)— изобретательные кражи предметов, не обладающих никакой материальной ценностью
Michael Vlado — этнографические детективы в цыганской среде Румынии

Часть 3: Полные списки рассказов, принадлежащих к избранным сериям

Капитан Леопольд
01. Jealous Lover(1957.03)
02. Killer Cop(1957.04)
03. Circus(1962.01)
04. The Demon at Noon(1963.02)
05. A Corpse Can Love(1962.09)
06. The Tattooed Priest(1962.09)
07. Death in the Harbor(1962.12)
08. A Place for Bleeding(1963.03)
09. The Secret Game(1963.09)
10. Reunion(1964.12)
11. The Clever Mr. Carton(1965.01)
12. The People of the Peacock(1965.12)
13. A Question of Punishment(1965.09)
14. The House by the Ferris(1966.05)
15. The Rusty Rose(1966.05)
16. After the Verdict(1967.04)
17. The Oblong Room(1967.06)
18. No Good at Riddles(1968.12)
19. The Vanishing of Velma(1969.08)
20. The Murder Parade(1969.11)
21. The Uttering Man(1970.03)
22. The Rainy-Day Bandit(1970.05)
23. Bag of Tricks(1970.11)
24. Christmas Is For Cops(1970.12)
25. The Athanasia League(1970.12)
26. End of the Day(1971.02)
27. A Little More Rope(1971.03)
28. Dead on the Pavement(1971.07)
29. The Leopold Locked Room(1971.10)
30. The Jersey Devil(1971.10)
31. Captain Leopold Does His Job(1971.12)
32. A Melee of Diamond(1972.04)
33. The Soft Asylum(1972.07)
34. Leopold at Rest(1972.09)
35. Bullets for Two(1972)
36. Leopold on Edge(1973.01)
37. Captain Leopold Gets Angry(1973.03)
38. Captain Leopold Saves a Life(1973)
39. Captain Leopold Plays a Hunch(1973.07)
40. Captain Leopold Swings a Bat(1973.10)
41. Captain Leopold and the Ghost-Killer(1974.08)
42. Captain Leopold Finds a Tiger(1974.11)
43. Captain Leopold Goes Home(1975.01)
44. Captain Leopold Drops a Bomb(1975.01)
45. Captain Leopold and the Arrow Murders(1975.07)
46. No Crime for Captain Leopold(1975.12)
47. Captain Leopold Tries Again(1976.06)
48. The Murder of Captain Leopold(1976.10)
49. Captain Leopold and the Impossible Murder(1976.12)
50. No Holiday for Captain Leopold(1977.08)
51. Captain Leopold Looks for the Cause(1977.11)
52. Captain Leopold Incognito(1978.03)
53. The Nameless Crime(1978.05)
54. Captain Leopold and Three Hostages(1978.09)
55. Captain Leopold on the Spot(1979.01)
56. Captain Leopold and the Murderer’s Son(1979.05)
57. Captain Leopold and the Vanishing Men(1979.07)
58. The Most Dangerous Man Alive(1980.05)
59. Captain Leopold Goes to the Dogs(1980.07)
60. Captain Leopold’s Gamble(1980.11)
61. Captain Leopold and the Silver Foxes(1981.01)
62. The Woman Without a Past(1981.04)
63. Captain Leopold Goes Fishing(1981.07)
64. The Killer and the Clown(1981.10)
65. Damsel with a Derringer(1981.11)
66. Murder at Tomorrow City(1982.03)
67. One Moment of Madness(1982.09)
68. The Second Captain Leopold(1983.02)
69. Captain Leopold Beats the Machine(1983.06)
70. Suddenly in September(1983.09)
71. Finding Joe Finch(1984.02)
72. Captain Leopold and the Mystery Woman(1984.09)
73. Leopold in New York(1985.02)
74. Captain Leopold’s Secret(1985.09)
75. Captain Leopold Views a Crime Scene(1986.04)
76. Leopold and the Thunderer(1986.08)
77. Leopold and the Four O’Clock Felon(1987.02)
78. Leopold and the Broken Bride(1987.07)
79. The Murder in Room 1010(1987.11)
80. Leopold and the Cemetery Bandits(1988.03)
81. The Crime Made in Heaven(1988.10)
82. The Killer Everyone Knew(1989.03)
83. The Urgent Message(1989.09)
84. Captain Leopold’s Birthday(1990.02)
85. Too Many Murderers(1990.09)
86. Theft of Leopold’s Badge (при участии Ника Вельвета)(1991.03)
87. The Retired Magician(1991.07)
88. Puzzle In a Smoke-Filled Room(1991.11)
89. Leopold’s Class(1992.05)
90. The Summer of Our Discontent(1992.11)
91. Leopold at Rest(1993.04)
92. Leopold’s Guns(1993.11)
93. The Essex Park Cowboys(1994.05)
94. Loaves and Fishes(1995.02)
95. Leopold Lends a Hand(1995.10)
96. A New Life(1996.09)
97. Leopold’s Aim(1997.02)
98. The Mystery That Wouldn’t Stay Solved(1997.09)
99. The Man Who Drowned in Champagne(1998.04)
100. The Christmas Tree Killer(1999.01)
101. The Phantom Lover(1999.04)
102. The Emerald Expert(2000.11)
103. Leopold at Bouchercon(2001.12)
104. Leopold Kidnapped(2003.06)
105. Leopold in the Vineyard(2004.09)
106. Leopold in the Lab(2006.02)
107. Leopold Undercover (2007.06)

Ник Вельвет
1. “The Theft of the Clouded Tiger,” Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine [далее, EQMM], September 1966.
2. “The Theft from the Onyx Pool,” EQMM, June 1967.
3. “The Theft of the Toy Mouse,” EQMM, June 1968.
4. “The Theft of the Brazen Letters,” EQMM, November 1968.
5. “The Theft of the Wicked Tickets,” EQMM, September 1969.
6. “The Theft of the Sacred Music,” Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine (as “Dead Man’s Song”), September 1969.
7. “The Theft of the Meager Beavers,” EQMM, December 1969.
8. “The Theft of the Silver Lake Serpent,” Argosy (British), January 1970.
9. “The Theft of the Laughing Lions,” EQMM, February 1970.
10. “The Theft of the Coco Loot,” EQMM, September 1970.
11. “The Theft of the Blue Horse,” EQMM, November 1970.
12. “The Theft of the Dinosaur’s Tail,” EQMM, March 1971.
13. “The Theft of the Satin Jury,” EQMM, June 1971.
14. “The Theft of the Leather Coffin,” EQMM, November 1971.
15. “The Theft of the Seven Ravens,” EQMM, January 1972.
16. “The Theft of the Mafia Cat,” EQMM, May 1972.
17. “The Theft from the Empty Room,” EQMM, September 1972.
18. “The Theft of the Foggy Film,” EQMM, November 1972.
19. “The Theft of the Crystal Crown,” Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine, January 1973.
20. “The Theft of the Circus Poster,” EQMM, May 1973.
21. “The Theft of the Cuckoo Clock,” EQMM, September 1973.
22. “The Theft of Nick Velvet,” EQMM, February 1974.
23. “The Theft of the General’s Trash,” EQMM, May 1974.
24. “The Theft of the Legal Eagle,” EQMM, July 1974.
25. THE THEFT OF THE BERMUDA PENNYShort Story in EQMM, June 1975; ‘The Thefts of Nick Velvet’; ‘Big Book of Locked- Room Mysteriesз, Black Lizard, 2014
‘The Black Lizard Big Book of Locked-Room Mysteries’ Vintage, Sep 9th 2014; etc
「Nick Velvet」
Impossible: Disappearance of a man from a closed car travelling at speed and leaving his rear seat belt still fastened.
пер.: Форум КЛД; 19.07.2014
「Ник Вельвет」
Невозможность: Исчезновение мужчины из закрытого автомобиля, ехавшего на большой скорости и оставившего пристегнутым задний ремень безопасности.

26. “The Theft of the Venetian Window,” EQMM, November 1975.
27. “The Theft of the Admiral’s Snow,” EQMM, April 1976.
28. “The Theft of the Wooden Egg,” EQMM, July 1976.
29. “The Theft of the Sherlockian Slipper,” EQMM, February 1977.
30. “The Theft of Nothing at All,” EQMM, May 1977.
31. “The Theft of the Child’s Drawing,” EQMM, October 1977.
32. “The Theft of the Family Portrait,” EQMM, March 1978.
33. “The Theft of the Turquoise Telephone,” EQMM, August 1978.
34. “The Theft of Yesterday’s Newspaper,” EQMM, March 1979.
35. “The Theft of the Firefighter’s Hat,” EQMM, June 1979.
36. “The Theft of Sahara’s Water,” EQMM, December 1979.
37. “The Theft of the Banker’s Ashtray,” EQMM, February 11, 1980.
38. “The Theft of the Four of Spades,” EQMM, October 6, 1980.
39. “The Theft of the Thanksgiving Turkey,” EQMM, December 1, 1980.
40. “The Theft of the Lopsided Cobweb,” EQMM, February 25,1981.
41. “The Theft of the Red Balloon,” EQMM, August 12,1981.
42. “The Theft of the Picture Postcards,” EQMM, December 2,1981.
43. “The Theft of the Sliver of Soap,” EQMM, May 1982.
44. “The Theft of the Used Teabag,” EQMM, November 1982.
45. “The Theft of the White Queen’s Menu,” EQMM, March 1983.
46. “The Theft of the Unsold Manuscript,” EQMM, July 1983.
47. “The Theft of the Halloween Pumpkin,” EQMM, October 1983.
48. “The Theft of the Overdue Library Book,” EQMM, March 1984.
49. “The Theft of the Dead Houseplant,” EQMM, October 1984.
50. “The Theft of the Ball of Twine,” EQMM, March 1985.
51. “The Theft of the Cardboard Castle,” EQMM, November 1985.
52. “The Theft of the Author’s Eraser,” EQMM, June 1986.
53. “The Theft of McGregor’s Skunk,” EQMM, November 1986.
54. “The Theft of the Lost Slipper,” EQMM, April 1987.
55. “The Theft of the Matador’s Cape,” EQMM, September 1987.
56. “The Theft of the Birthday Cake,” EQMM, May 1988.
57. “The Theft of the Faded Flag,” EQMM, September 1988.
58. “The Theft of the Doctor’s Chopsticks,” EQMM, February 1989.
59. “The Theft of the Empty Birdcage,” EQMM, July 1989.
60. “The Theft of the Christmas Stocking,” EQMM, Mid-December 1989.
61. “The Theft of the Mannequin’s Wig,” EQMM, June 1990.
62. “The Theft of the Bingo Card,” EQMM, November 1990.
63. “The Theft of Leopold’s Badge,” (при участии капитана Леопольда) EQMM, March 1991.
64. “The Theft of the Lucky Cigar,” EQMM, September 1991.
65. “The Theft of the Barking Dog,” EQMM, March 1992.
66. “The Theft of Santa’s Beard, EQMM, Mid-December 1992.
67. “The Theft of the Bald Man’s Comb,” EQMM, July 1993.
68. “The Theft of the Canceled Stamp,” EQMM, January 1994.
69. “The Theft of Twenty-nine Minutes,” EQMM, October 1994.
70. “The Theft of the Snake Charmer’s Basket,” EQMM, April 1995.
71. “The Theft of the Campaign Poster,” EQMM, November 1995.
72. “The Theft of the Rusty Bookmark,” Mysterious Bookshop pamphlet, 1995; reprinted in EQMM, January 1998.
73. “The Theft of the Bogus Bandit,” EQMM, July 1996.
74. “The Theft of Columbus’s Head,” EQMM, July 1997.
75. “The Theft of Gloria’s Greatcoat,” EQMM, May 1998.
76. “The Theft of the Birthday Candles,” EQMM, March 1999.
77. “The Theft of the Parrot’s Feather,” EQMM, August 2000.
78. “The Theft of the Bathroom Scale,” EQMM Feb 2001.
79. “The Theft of the Sandwich Board,” Death Dines at 8:30, ed. Claudia Bishop & Nick DiChario, Berkley 2001.
80. “The Theft of the Blue-Ribbon Bass,” EQMM, August 2003.
81. “The Theft of the Double Elephant,” EQMM, February 2004.
82. “The Theft of the Empty Paint Can,” EQMM, May 2005.
83. “The Theft of the Rumpled Road Map,” EQMM, August 2005.
84. “The Theft of the Blue-Ribbon Pie,” EQMM, June 2006.
85. “The Theft of the Five-Pound Note,” EQMM, January 2007.
86. “The Theft of the Ostracized Ostrich,” EQMM, September-October 2007.

Джеффри Рэнд
1. “The Spy Who Did Nothing,” Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine [далее,
EQMM], May 1965.
2. “The Spy Who Had Faith in Double-C,” EQMM, August 1965.
3. “The Spy Who Came to the Brink,” EQMM, December 1965.
4. “The Spy Who Took the Long Route,” EQMM, March 1966.
5. “The Spy Who Came to the End of the Road,” EQMM, July 1966.
6. “The Spy Who Walked Through Walls,” EQMM, November 1966.
7. “The Spy Who Came Out of the Night,” EQMM, April 1967.
8. “The Spy Who Worked For Peace,” EQMM, August 1967.
9. “The Spy Who Didn’t Exist,” EQMM, December 1967.
10. “The Spy Who Clutched a Playing Card,” EQMM, February 1968.
“Шпион, который читал по-латыни”“The Spy Who Read Latin”
1st ed: EQMM, Aug 1968
пер: Форум “Клуб любителей детектива; 8.01;2023

12. “The Spy Who Purchased a Lavender,” EQMM, April 1969.
13. “The Spy and the Shopping List Code,” EQMM, July 1969.
14. “The Spy and the Calendar Network,” EQMM, November 1969.
15. “The Spy and the Bermuda Cipher,” EQMM, June 1970.
16. “The Spy Who Traveled With a Coffin,” EQMM, October 1970.
17. “The Spy and the Diplomat’s Daughter,” EQMM, January 1971.
18. “The Spy and the Nile Mermaid,” EQMM, May 1971.
19. “The Spy Who Knew Too Much,” EQMM, August 1971.
20. “The Spy Without a Country,” EQMM, February 1972.
21. “The Spy Who Didn’t Remember,” EQMM, April 1972.
22. “The Spy and the Reluctant Courier,” £QMM, June 1972.
23. “The Spy in the Pyramid,” EQMM, September 1972.
24. “The Spy Who Was Expected,” EQMM, December 1972.
25. “The Spy With the Knockout Punch,” EQMM, August 1973.
26. “The Spy and the Intercepted Letters,” EQMM, January 1974.
27. “The Spy at the End of the Rainbow,” EQMM, April 1974.
28. “The Spy and the Talking House,” EQMM, November 1974.
29. “The Spy Who Took a Vacation,” EQMM, April 1975.
30. “The Spy and the Mysterious Card,” EQMM, October 1975.
31. “The Spy Who Collected Lapel Pins,” EQMM, March 1976.
32. “The Spy at the Crime Writers’ Congress,” EQMM, November 1976.
33. “The Spy Who Died Twice,” EQMM, July 1977.
34. “The Spy in the Toy Business,” EQMM, January 1978.
35. “The Spy and the Cats of Rome,” EQMM, June 1978.
36. “The Spy in the Labyrinth,” EQMM, December 1978.
37. “The Spy Who Had a List,” EQMM, May 1979.
38. “The Spy Who Was Alone,” EQMM, September 1979.
39. “The Spy Who Wasn’t Needed,” EQMM, December 17, 1979.
40. “The Spy Who Came Back From the Dead,” EQMM, June 2, 1980.
41. “The Spy and the Snowman,” EQMM, November 3, 1980.
42. “The Spy and the Walrus Cipher,” EQMM, March 25, 1981.
43. “The Spy Who Didn’t Defect,” EQMM, September 9, 1981.
44. “The Spy Who Stayed Up All Night,” EQMM, November 4, 1981.
45. “The Spy at the Film Festival,” £QMM, June 1982.
46. “The Spy and the Village Murder,” EQMM, October 1982.
47. “The Spy Who Sat in Judgment,” EQMM, April 1983.
48. “The Spy Who Stepped Back in Time,” EQMM, Mid-July 1983.
49. “The Spy Who Went to the Opera,” EQMM, April 1984.
50. “The Spy at the Top of the List,” EQMM, July 1984.
51. “The Spy and the Suicide Club,” EQMM, January 1985.
52. “The Spy Who Looked Back,” EQMM, August 1985.
53. “The Spy at the Spa,” EQMM, Mid-December 1985.
54. “The Spy Who Knew the Future,” EQMM, July 1986.
55. “The Spy’s Story,” EQMM, December 1986.
56. “The Spy and the Short-Order Cipher,” EQMM, June 1987.
57. “The Spy and the Embassy Murders,” EQMM, January 1988.
58. “A Game For Spies,” EQMM, June 1988.
59. “The Spy and the Guy Fawkes Bombing,” EQMM, December 1988.
60. “The Underground Spy,” EQMM, April 1989.
61. “The Spy and the Geomancers,” EQMM, October 1989.
62. “The Spy Who Went to Camelot,” EQMM, March 1990.
63. “The Spy and the Healing Waters,” EQMM, August 1990.
64. “The Spy and the Christmas Cipher,” EQMM, Mid-December 1990.
65. “The Spy and the Gypsy,” (при участии Михаила Владо) EQMM, May 1991.
66. “The Spy and the Psychics,” EQMM, October 1991.
67. “The Spy and the Greek Enigma,” EQMM, April 1992.
68. “The Spy With the Icicle Eye,” EQMM, March 1993.
69. “Spy at Sea,” EQMM, October 1993.
70. “Egyptian Days,” EQMM, March 1994.
71. “Waiting for Mrs. Ryder,” EQMM, November 1994.
72. “The Nine-O’Clock Gun,” EQMM, August 1995.
73. “Train to Luxor,” EQMM, April 1996.
74. “The Old Spies Club,” EQMM, May 1997.
75. “One Bag of Coconuts,” EQMM, November 1997.
76. “The Liverpool Kiss,” EQMM, July 1998.
77. “The Man From Nile K,” EQMM, July 1999.
78. “The War That Never Was,” EQMM, December 1999.
79. “Season of the Camel,” EQMM, September-October 2000.
80. “Tower to Nowhere,” EQMM, March 2002.
81. “The Spy and the Minotaur,” EQMM, July 2002.
82. “The Face of Ali Baba,” EQMM, December 2003.
83. “Paris Masque,” EQMM, January 2005.
84. “The Alexandrian Solution,” EQMM, December 2008.

Доктор Сэм Хоторн
1. "The Problem of the Covered Bridge" (March 1922). EQMM, December 1974.
2. "The Problem of the Old Gristmill" (July 1923). EQMM, March 1975.
3. "The Problem of the Lobster Shack" (June 1924). EQMM, September 1975.
4. "The Problem of the Haunted Bandstand" (July 1924). EQMM, January 1976.
5. "The Problem of the Locked Caboose" (Spring 1925). EQMM, May 1976.
6. "The Problem of the Little Red Schoolhouse" (Fall 1925). EQMM, September 1976.
7. "The Problem of the Christmas Steeple" (December 25, 1925). EQMM, January 1977.
8. "The Problem of Cell 16" (Spring 1926). EQMM, March 1977.
9. "The Problem of the Country Inn" (Summer 1926). EQMM, September 1977.
10. "The Problem of the Voting Booth" (November 1926). EQMM, December 1977.
11. "The Problem of the County Fair" (Summer 1927). EQMM, February 1978.
12. THE PROBLEM OF THE OLD OAK TREEShort Story in EQMM, Jul 1978; ‘Diagnosis: Impossible: The Problems of Dr. Sam Hawthorne’, Crippen & Landru, May 2001;
‘Big Book of Locked-Room Mysteries’, Black Lizard, 2014; etc.
「Dr. Sam Hawthorne」
Time of action: September 1927
Impossible: Death by strangulation of a stuntman who was alive when he parachuted out of his plane but upon landing was found to have been strangled.
пер.: Форум КЛД; 26.07.2020
「д-р Сэм Хоторн」
Время действия: Сентябрь 1927 г.
Невозможность: Выпрыгнувший живым из самолета каскадер, по приземлении оказался задушенным.

13. "The Problem of the Revival Tent" (Fall 1927). EQMM, November 1978.
14. "The Problem of the Whispering House" (February 1928). EQMM, April 1979.
15. "The Problem of the Boston Common" (Spring 1928). EQMM, August 1979.
16. "The Problem of the General Store" (Summer 1928), EQMM, November 1979.
17. "The Problem of the Courthouse Gargoyle" (September 1928). EQMM, June 30, 1980.
18. "The Problem of the Pilgrims Windmill" (March 1929). EQMM, September 10, 1980.
19. "The Problem of the Gingerbread Houseboat" (Summer 1929). EQMM, January 28, 1981.
20. "The Problem of the Pink Post Office" (October 1929). EQMM, June 17,1981.
21. "The Problem of the Octagon Room" (December 1929). EQMM, October 7, 1981.
22. "The Problem of the Gypsy Camp" (January 1930). EQMM, January 1, 1982
23. "The Problem of the Bootleggers Car" (May 1930). EQMM, July 1982.
24. "The Problem of the Tin Goose" (July 1930). EQMM, December 1982.
25. "The Problem of the Hunting Lodge" (Fall 1930). EQMM, May 1983.
26. "The Problem of the Body in the Haystack" (July 1931). EQMM, August 1953.
27. "The Problem of Santa's Lighthouse" (December 1931). EQMM, December 1983.
28. "The Problem of the Graveyard Picnic" (Spring 1932). EQMM, June 1984.
29. "The Problem of the Crying Room" (June 1932). EQMM, November 1984.
30. "The Problem of the Fatal Fireworks" (July 4, 1932). EQMM, May 1985.
31. "The Problem of the Unfinished Painting" (Fall 1932). EQMM, February 1986.
32. "The Problem of the Sealed Bottle" (December 59 1933). EQMM, September 1986.
33. "The Problem of the Invisible Acrobat" (July 1933). EQMM, Mid-December 1986.
34. "The Problem of the Curing Barn" (September 1934). EQMM, August 1987.
35. "The Problem of the Snowbound Cabin" (January 1935). EQMM, December 1987.
36. "The Problem of the Thunder Room" (March 1935). EQMM, April 1988.
37. "The Problem of the Black Roadster" (April 1935). EQMM, November 1988.
38. "The Problem of the Two Birthmarks" (May 1935). EQMM, May 1989.
39. "The Problem of the Dying Patient" (June 1935). EQMM, December 1989.
40. "The Problem of the Protected Farmhouse" (August or September 1935). EQMM, May 1990.
41. "The Problem of the Haunted Tepee" (при участии Бена Сноу) (September 1935). EQMM, December 1990.
42. "The Problem of the Blue Bicycle" (September 1936). EQMM, April 1991.
43. "The Problem of the Country Church" (November 1936). EQMM, August 1991.
44. "The Problem of the Grange Hall" (March 1937). EQMM, Mid-December 1991.
45. "The Problem of the Vanishing Salesman" (May 1937). EQMM, August 1992.
46. "The Problem of the Leather Man" (August 1937). EQMM, December 1992.
47. "The Problem of the Phantom Parlor" (August 1937). EQMM, June 1993.
48. "The Problem of the Poisoned Pool" (September 1937). EQMM, December 1993.
49. "The Problem of the Missing Roadhouse" (August 1938). EQMM, June 1994.
50. "The Problem of the Country Mailbox" (Fall 1938). EQMM, Mid-December 1994.
51. "The Problem of the Crowded Cemetery" (Spring 1939). EQMM, May 1995.
52. "The Problem of the Enormous Owl" (August-September 1939). EQMM, January 1996.
53. "The Problem of the Miraculous Jar" (November 1939). EQMM, August 1996.
54. "The Problem of the Enchanted Terrace" (October 1939). EQMM, April 1997.
55. "The Problem of the Unfound Door" (Midsummer 1940). EQMM, June 1998.
56. "The Second Problem of the Covered Bridge" (January 1940), EQMM, December 1998.
57. "The Problem of the Scarecrow Congress" (late July 1940). EQMM, June 1999.
58. "The Problem of Annabel's Ark" (September 1940). EQMM, March 2000.
59. "The Problem of the Potting Shed" (October 1940). EQMM, July 2000.
60. "The Problem of the Yellow Wallpaper" (November 1940). EQMM, March 2001.
61. "The Problem of the Haunted Hospital" (March 1941). EQMM, August 2001.
62. "The Problem of the Traveler's Tale" (August 1941). EQMM, June 2002.
63. "The Problem of Bailey's Buzzard" (December 1941). EQMM, December 2002.
64. "The Problem of the Interrupted Séance" (June 1942), EQMM, September/October 2003.
65. "The Problem of the Candidate's Cabin" (October-November 1942), EQMM, July 2004.
66. "The Problem of the Black Cloister" (April 1943). EQMM, December 2004.
67. "The Problem of the Secret Passage" (May 1943). EQMM July 2005.
68. "The Problem of the Devil's Orchard" (September 1943) EQMM, January 2006.
69. "The Problem of the Shepherd’s Ring" (December 1943) EQMM, September/October 2006.
70. "The Problem of Suicide Cottage" (July 1944) EQMM, July 2007.
71. "The Problem of the Summer Snowman" (August 1944) EQMM, November 2007.
72. "The Problem of the Secret Patient" (October, possibly 1944) EQMM, May 2008.

Саймон Арк
1 Village of the Dead "Famous Detective Stories" 1955.2
2 The Hoofs of Satan "Famous Detective Stories" 1956.2
3 The Witch Is Dead "Famous Detective Stories" 1956.4
4 The Man from Nowhere "Famous Detective Stories" 1956.6
5 The Vicar of Hell "Famous Detective Stories" 1956.8
6 The Wolves of Werclaw "Famous Detective Stories" 1956.10
7 Blood in the Stands "Terror Detective Story Magagine" 1957.2
8 The Judge of Hades "Crack Detective & Mystery Stories" 1957.2
9 Serpent in Paradise "Crack Detective & Mystery Stories"1957.4
10 Twelve for Eternity "Crack Detective & Mystery Stories"1957.7
11 The Hour of None "Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1957. Fall
12 Desert of Sin "Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1958.5
13 The Dragon Murders "Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1958.9
14 Street of Screams "Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1959.1
15 The Case of the Sexy Sumugglers "Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1959.7
16 The Case of the Naked Niece "Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1959.9
— 17 Sword for a Sinner "The Saint Detective / Mystery Magazine" 1959.10
18 The Case of the Vanished Virgin "Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1959.11
19 The Case of the Ragged Rapist "Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1960.1
20 City of Brass "The Saint Mystery Library" 1959.9
21 The Case of the Mystic Mistress "Double-Action Detective & Mystery" 1960.5
22 Flame at Twilight "The Saint Mystery Library" 1960.1
23 The Clouded Venus "Tightrope Detective Magazine" 1960.6
24 Lovely Lady of Lust "Keyhole Detective Magazine" 1962.4
25 Day of the Wizard "The Saint Detective / Mystery Magazine" 1963.8
26 The Lost Pilgrim "Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine" 1972.2
27 Funeral in the Fog "Weird Tales" 1973. Summer
28 The Treasure of Jack the Ripper "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1978.10
29 The Mummy from the Sea "Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" 1979.1
30 The Man Who Shot the Werewolf "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1979.2
31 The Avenger from Outer Space "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1979.10
32 The Weapon Out of the Past "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1980.4
33 The Soceress of the Sea "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1980.8
34 The Vulteres of Malabar "Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" 1980.10
35 The Dying Marabout "Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" 1981.2
36 The Unicorn's Daughter "Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" 1982.1
37 The House of Hundred Birds "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1982.2
38 The Witch of Park Avenue "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1982.8
39 The S.S.S. ハヤカワ・ミステリ・マガジン 1983.9(日本向け書き下ろし); "Mystery Scene" 1986.11
40 Ark in the Desert "Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" 1984.12
41 The Spy on the Seaway "Espionage" 1985.2
42 Prisoner of Zerfall "Espionage" 1985.11
43 Day of the Dead "Espionage" 1986.4
44 The Way Up to Hades "Famous Detective Stories"
45 The Virgins of Valentine "14 Vicious Valentines", 1988
46 The Touch of Kolyada "Mistletoe Mysteries", 1989
47 The Stalker of Souls "Stalkers", 1989
48 The Society of the Scar "Predators", 1993
49 The Night Swimmer "Northern Frights 2", 1994
50 No Blood for a Vampire "Vampire Detectives", 1995
51 Robin Hood's Race "No Alibi", 1995
52 The Graveyard Ghoul "Night Screams", 1996
53 The Town Where No One Stayed Over "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1997.3
54 Master of Miracles "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 1999.5
55 The Scaring Bell "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 2001.5
56 The Man Who Boxed Forever "Murder on the Ropes", 2001
57 The Faraway Quilters "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 2003.2
58 Tram to Tomorrow "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 2004.6
59 The Gravesend Trumpet "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" 2005.12
60 The Christmas Egg "Crippen&Landru holiday pamphlet", 2006
61 The Automaton Museum "Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine 1", 08-Winter

Бен Сноу
(SMM= The Saint Mystery Magazine. EQMM= Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine.)
Оригинальный цикл
1. “The Valley of Arrows” SMM (British), March 1961; SMM (US), September 1961
2. “Frontier Street” SMM (British), May 1961; SMM (US), February 1962
3. “Ghost Town” SMM (British), September 1961; SMM (US), January 1963
4. “The Flying Man” SMM (British), December 1961; SMM (US), July 1962
5. “The Man in the Alley” SMM (British), April 1962; SMM (US), June 1963
6. “The Ripper of Storyville” SMM (British), September 1962; SMM (US), December 1963
7. “Snow in Yucatan” SMM (US), January 1965
Возрождённый цикл
8. “The Vanished Steamboat” EQMM, May 1984
9. “Brothers on the Beach” EQMM, August 1984
10. “The 500 Hours of Dr. Wisdom” EQMM, December 1984
11. “The Trail of the Bells” EQMM, April 1985
12. “The Phantom Stallion” EQMM, October 1985
13. “The Sacramento Waxworks” EQMM, March 1986
14. “The Only Tree in Tasco” EQMM, October 1986
15. “Poker Game at the Golden Nugget” EQMM, March 1987
16. “The Hearse with a Heart of Gold” EQMM, October 1987
17. “The Nude Over the Bar” EQMM, February 1988
18. “The Victorian Hangman” EQMM, August 1988
19. “Sacajawea’s Gold” EQMM, January 1989
20. “The Circus Murders” EQMM, August 1989
21. “The Trial of Ben Snow” EQMM, January 1990
22. “The Pirate of Death Valley” EQMM, July 1990
23. “The Problem of the Haunted Tepee” (с участием доктора Сэма Хоторна), EQMM, December 1990
24. “The Edge of the Year 1900” EQMM, February 1991
25. “The Headless Horseman of Buffalo Creek,” EQMM, June 1991
26. “Five Days in a Texas Town” EQMM, January 1992
27. “The Trail of the Golden Cross, EQMM, September 1992
28. “The Geronimo Option” EQMM, January 1993
29. “The Passion of Lizzie B.” EQMM, September 1993
30. “An Early Morning Madness” EQMM, April 1994
31. “Horse Thief Haven” EQMM, December 1994
32. “The Granite God” EQMM, June 1995
33. “Banner in Blood” EQMM, February 1996
34. “Dagger Money” EQMM, January 1997
35. “Suddenly, with Fangs” EQMM, August 1997
36. “The Bullet from Beyond,” EQMM, August 1998
37. “The Daughters of Crooked River,” EQMM, November 1999
38. “The San Agustin Miracle,” EQMM, January 2001
39. “Gunfighter’s Honeymoon,” EQMM, April 2002
40. “The Mountain of Jade,” EQMM, March 2003
41. “Once Aboard the Eagle,” EQMM, March-April 2005
42. “The Pueblo Tomb,” EQMM, March-April 2006
43. “The Sugar Train,” EQMM, November 2006
44. “Madam Sing’s Gold,” EQMM, July 2008

Михаил Владо
1) The Luck of a Gypsy · ss The Ethnic Detectives, ed. Bill Pronzini & Martin H. Greenberg, Dodd, Mead, 1985
2) Odds on a Gypsy · ss EQMM Jul ’85
3) Blood of a Gypsy · ss EQMM Jan ’86
4) The Gypsy Treasure · ss EQMM May ’86
5) Punishment for a Gypsy · ss EQMM Jan ’87
6) The Gypsy Wizard · ss EQMM May ’87
7) Murder of a Gypsy King · ss EQMM Jul ’88
8) Gypsy at Sea · ss EQMM mid-Dec ’88
9) The Gypsy and the Pilgrims · ss EQMM Jun ’89
10) The Gypsy Bear · ss EQMM Nov ’89
11) The Gypsy Delegate · ss EQMM Oct ’90
12) The Crypt of the Gypsy Saint · ss EQMM Apr ’90
13) Funeral for a Gypsy · ss EQMM Jan ’91
14) The Spy and the Gypsy (при участии Джеффри Рэнда) · ss EQMM May ’91
15) Return of the Gypsy · ss EQMM Dec ’91
16) The Iron Angel · ss EQMM Oct ’92
17) The Puzzle Garden · ss EQMM Feb ’94
18) The Gypsy’s Paw · ss EQMM Sep ’94
19) The Butcher of Seville ss EQMM Mar 1995
20) The Clockwork Rat · ss EQMM May ’96
21) Emperor of the Gypsies ss EQMM Dec 1997
22) The Starkworth Atrocity · nv EQMM Sep/Oct ’98
23) The Wall Too High · ss EQMM Jun 2000
24) A Deal in Horses · ss EQMM Sep/Oct 2001
25) The Vampire Theme · ss EQMM Aug 2002
26) A Rope to Hang the World · ss EQMM Jan 2004
27) The Nameless Poison · ss EQMM May 2006
28) Gypsy Gold · ss EQMM Dec 2007

Александр Свифт
1. The Hudson Chain (ss) EQMM, September 1995
2. King George’s Gold (ss) EQMM, March 1996
3. The Uninvited Guest (ss) EQMM, November 1996
4. Duel at Dawn (ss) EQMM, March 1998
5. The Broken Chain (ss) EQMM, February 1999
6. Vulture in the Mist (ss) EQMM, August 1999
7. The Sword of Colonel Ledyard (ss) EQMM, December 2000
8. St. John and the Dragon (ss) EQMM, November 2001
9. Constant Hearses (ss) EQMM, September-October 2002
10. The Orchard of Caged Birds (ss) EQMM, May 2003
11. Paul Revere’s Bell (ss) EQMM, March-April 2004
12. The Barber’s Toe (ss) EQMM, June 2005
13. Swift Among the Pirates (ss) EQMM, May 2007

Стэнтон и Айвс
1. Courier and Ives (ss) EQMM, November 2002
2. Cuba Libro (ss) EQMM, April 2003
3. Pandora’s Socks (ss) EQMM, November 2003
4. Midsummer Night’s Scheme (ss) EQMM, May 2004
5. Hand Delivery (ss) EQMM, November 2004
6. Robe to Mandalay (ss) EQMM, February 2005
7. Pearl from Ipanema (ss) EQMM, November 2005
8. Romeo and Joliet (ss) EQMM, July 2006
9. A Bird in the Sand (ss) EQMM, February 2007
10. China Blues (ss) EQMM, August 2007
11. Turkish Delight (ss) EQMM, March-April 2008
Jon L. Breen & Edward D. Hoch:
12. Handel and Gretel (ss) EQMM, November 2008

Шерлок Холмс
1. The Most Dangerous Man (1973)
2. The Return of the Speckled Band (1987)
3. The Manor House Case (1996)
4. The Christmas Client (1996)
5. The Adventure of Vittoria, the Circus Belle (1997)
6. The Adventure of the Dying Ship (1998)
7. The Adventure of the Cipher in the Sand (1999)
8. The Christmas Conspiracy (1999)
9. The Adventure of the Anonimous Author (2001)
10. The Adventure of the Domino Club (2005)
11. The Addleton Tragedy (2006)
12. A Scandal in Montreal (2008)

Сьюзен Хольт
Оригинальная серия
1. A Traffic in Webs (nv) EQMM, Mid-December 1993
2. A Fondness for Steam (ss) EQMM, July 1994
3. A Parcel of Deerstalkers (ss) EQMM, January 1995
4. An Abundance of Airbags (ss) EQMM, July 1995
5. A Craving for Chinese (ss) EQMM, December 1995
6. A Parliament of Peacocks (ss) EQMM, June 1996
7. A Shipment of Snow (ss) EQMM, December 1996
8. The Shower of Daggers (ss) EQMM, June 1997
9. A Busload of Bats (ss) EQMM, November 1998
10. A Convergence of Clerics (ss) EQMM, December 2006
11. A Gateway to Heaven (ss) EQMM, January 2008

Отец Дэвид Нун
1. Game of Skill (1963)
2. The Thing in Lovers’ Lane (1971)
3. The Sweating Statue (1985)
4. The Arrow of Ice (2002)
5. One More Circus (2002)
6. The Hand of God — (2003)
7. Searching for Sammy Sand (2004)
‘И сказал По: да будет детектив. И возник детектив. И когда По увидел, что создал, он сказал: и вот хорошо весьма. Ибо создал он сразу классическую форму детектива. И форма эта была и останется во веки веков истинной в этом бесконечном мире’. © Эллери Квин.

За это сообщение автора Доктор Фелл поблагодарили: 3
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Стаж: 179 месяцев и 21 дней
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Откуда: Россия, Москва
Благодарил (а): 928 раз.
Поблагодарили: 1919 раз.

Re: Эдвард Хоч

СообщениеАвтор Родерик » 24 ноя 2020, 12:13

The Leopold Locked Room (1971)
Первое мое знакомство с творчеством Эдварда Хоча: рассказ из антологии "Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries" к составлению которой приложил руку Айзек Азимов. Честно говоря, впечатления от рассказа блеклые - невозможность настолько искусственна выдумана, что не иначе как абсурдом ее и не назовешь. Капитан Леопольд обвинен в убийстве бывшей супруги на свадьбе племянницы. Доказательства против Леопольда такие, что ни один полицейский, будучи в здравом уме, не смог бы не отправить его за решетку после случившегося- и орудие убийства, и единовременное нахождение с жертвой в закрытом помещении. Ну а разгадка такая, что (ИМХО) заинтересует лишь читателей с математическим складом мышления.
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Re: Эдвард Хоч

СообщениеАвтор Доктор Немо » 24 ноя 2020, 12:16

Родерик, вы рассказ в оригинале читали? А то он легко находится на русском.
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Доктор Немо
Сообщений: 1976
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Re: Эдвард Хоч

СообщениеАвтор Родерик » 24 ноя 2020, 12:28

Доктор Немо
Нет, русскоязычный вариант я не видел.
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Re: Эдвард Хоч

СообщениеАвтор Родерик » 24 ноя 2020, 19:34

Поясню вдогонку насчёт математики - имел ввиду, что да, изложенное в рассказе возможно с микроминиатюрной долей вероятности, но говорить о какой-либо (пусть даже отдаленной) реальности изложенной последовательности событий задача в данном случае абсолютно бессмысленная. Мне кажется, детектив должен цеплять не только абстрактным ребусом, но и затрагивать что-то ещё. Впрочем, не будем слишком привередливы -от журнальных рассказов никогда многого не требовалось.
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Re: Эдвард Хоч

СообщениеАвтор punker » 07 апр 2022, 18:49

David Piper
Весь "цикл" переведён на русский язык.
Выходил в журнале Эллери Квина ,Там опубликован как роман в рассказах, все 6 рассказов опубликованы на русском языке в периодике как одно большое произведение.
В журнале "Сельская новь" Загадка неуловимого призрака" 3-7 1998.
В журнале Человек и закон" "Пешки сдают без боя".

За это сообщение автора punker поблагодарили: 2
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Сообщений: 143
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Благодарил (а): 40 раз.
Поблагодарили: 11 раз.

Re: Эдвард Хоч

СообщениеАвтор punker » 08 апр 2022, 19:41

Эдвард Хох на русском. Публикации в журналах /сборниках
Информация от куратора библиографии.

Арбитр конфликтов / Arbiter of Uncertainties
Банка персикового компота / Lot 721/XY258
Великий американский роман / The Great American Novel [= Загадки литературы]
Виктория, Цирковая Красотка / The Adventure of Vittoria, the Circus Belle
Вспоминая старые денёчки / Another War
Встреча / Reunion
Далёкий гром / Twilight Thunder
Девушка, принесённая в жертву / The Maiden's Sacrifice
Зоопарк / Zoo [= Зверинец; Самый лучший зоопарк]
Комната длиною в жизнь / Leopold Locked Room [= Запертая комната; Убийство в закрытой комнате; Подставить Леопольда]
Крутой / Thirteen
Скандал в Монреале / A Scandal in Montreal
Случай в поместье / The Manor House Case
Подслушанный разговор / The Overheard Conversation
Последний парадокс / The Last Paradox
Похищение пятнистого тигра / The Theft of the Clouded Tiger [= Пятнистый тигр]
Приключение на тонущем корабле / The Adventure of the Dying Ship
Продолговатая комната / The Oblong Room [= Death in the Oblong Room]
Тайна пряничного домика / The Problem of the Gingerbread Houseboat
Требуется кошка на один день / The Theft of the Mafia Cat
Человек, который был повсюду / The Man Who Was Everywhere [= Человек, который везде; Человек-тень]

Загадка неуловимого призрака / The Will-o’-the-Wisp Mystery / Пешки сдают без боя
роман в рассказах (?) Или ошибка Филпском.

1 Пешки / Part One: The Pawn
2 Ладья / Part Two: The Rook
3 Конь / Part Three: The Knight
4 Слон / Part Four: The Bishop
5 Королева / Part Five: The Queen
6 Король / Part Six: The King

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Re: Эдвард Хоч

СообщениеАвтор Роджер Шерингэм » 08 апр 2022, 20:12

Ну в таком виде это не годится, чтобы исправить библиографию тут. Где всё это публиковалось по-русски? Или места публикаций надо смотреть на самом фантлабе, а тут типа анонс?
- Я человек маленький, - произнес Болванщик дрожащим голосом, - и не успел я напиться чаю... прошла всего неделя, как я начал... хлеба с маслом у меня уже почти не осталось...
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Re: Эдвард Хоч

СообщениеАвтор punker » 09 апр 2022, 09:03

Роджер Шерингэм писал(а):Ну в таком виде это не годится, чтобы исправить библиографию тут. Где всё это публиковалось по-русски? Или места публикаций надо смотреть на самом фантлабе, а тут типа анонс?

Цели править библиографию не было. Не вся эта информация есть доже НА "ФЛ", источник сетевые ресурсы и фонд НБРК, листал периодику.
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Re: Эдвард Хоч

СообщениеАвтор punker » 29 мар 2023, 18:16

Посмотрите пожалуйста, нашел рассказ "Гениальная идея Пита Хопкинса" Р.Л. Стивенс.
Это рассказ Хоча, или кто-то ещё использовал такой псевдоним?
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Re: Эдвард Хоч

СообщениеАвтор zaa » 29 мар 2023, 18:36

punker, это "A Deal in Diamonds" (EQMM, июль 1975). Переиздавался в Miniature Mysteries, ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander;
Taplinger 1981, More Surprises, ed. Burton Goodman; Jamestown Publishers 1990, 100 Malicious Little Mysteries, ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander; Dorset 1992.

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